2001 School Magazine

year 9 : ^ ^

When most think of 'school camp' they think of dorms, excitement and campout food. When this Year's 95 think of Imbil, however, we think of fun, skirmish, sore legs, pole fencing, macca picking, and - well, yes - campout food. Although Year 95 had previously gone to camp twice in the year. two classes at a time, it was decided each class would only attend one camp this year, one class at a time so that the group could spend more time with the teachers and receive more individual attention Our jinbil experience was once again fun-packed and rather tiring, but this time our activities allowed us much

more freedom and also more opportunity to work as a team, guiding ourselves

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This independent approach to schoollife continued back'home:where we took increasing responsibility for planning our own preparation for tasks and participated in some hands-on lessons to accommodate Year 95' seemingly boundless energy (and mischief). These Included a re-enactment of the trial of Louis XVlin History class. dressing up for a medieval feast, various cooking activities and role-plays un Language classes and - wait for it - walking around the Science lab demonstrating the movement of electrons in a circuit With allthis happening, who would have time for a social life? The answer:Year 95 We all managed to balance our school and social lives quite well, the majority of us quite effectiveIy living up to the stereotypical Grammar Year 9. That 15, we have braces, make considerable noise, are chat addicts, go to school dances, hang around In groups and hug to greet each other. Yes. that's us Year 9 was also a year of pushing boundaries, learning about ourselves and others, and often testing just how far the teacher's patience will stretch it seems so long since this Intense year started, but time passed quickly, and now it's hard to believe It's over

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