2001 School Magazine
year 8 : ^ 7
Year 8/12 Picnic
You can take the girl out of Grammar. but you can't take Grammar out of the girl Why? Because of the amazing sense of friendship and community that exists right throughout the school This 15 one of the first things that any girl new to BGGS recognises, especially the Year 85. Early in the year. our new Year 85 had the chance to meet and have fun with the girls who would be leading them in their first year of high school, the Year 125. at our own Year 8/12 picnic lunch. All the girls from both grades met down on the running track. and were split into their Houses. From there they moved into buddy groups, a system which allows girls of different grades and ages to get to know each other well. After lunch, the girls were involved in organized games and activities. This soon had all four hundred laughing and having a great time. As teachers looked on. the two grades ran, lumped and giggled their way through a great start to a new school year
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Not everything was fun and games though as exams were fast approaching. Everyone was studying hard. determined to do her best and achieve well on their first Grammar report card. As we end our first year at BGGS we wonder what the future holds for us, as we start the beginning of the rest of our lives
never been offered to us before at primary school There were so many sports and other activities to choose from that it was quite overwhelming The grade participated in so many fun activities that it is hard to name them all. Some of theseincluded Jump Rope for Heart, interhouse choir, House ball games. where the Houses competed against each other in Tunnel Ball, Captain Ball and Leader Ball, Murder Under the Microscope, a competition between schools around Australia, testing students logic and problem solving skills and many more
nuts, 1110ing and camp out, but the main focus at camp was to help each other and stick together. Before camp we didn't know each other very well, but camp was an excellent bonding experience, where we got to know every other classmate well, notjust our groups of friends. We also found new friends All the activities we did were aboutjoining together and helping others to get the lob done as smoothly as possible Once back at school again, we enjoyed our range of subjects and extra curricular activities that had
Looking back
As we look back over the year. most Year 85 reflect on it as a new and interesting experience. As our first year at BGGS draws far too quickly to a close, we can feel our adventurous spirit rise as we are almost ready to face Year 9, but we will never forget all the fun times this year;like camp This included picking macadamia
Monique Rowles
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