2001 School Magazine
^ ^ : year 8
Year 82001 Meet Year 82002
There was an added dimension to the Year 8 Expo this year as the Year 85 of 2001 undertook the responsibility of developing their own special display dedicated to meeting next year's Grade 8 Year 82001 felt they had gained much experience during the year and they wanted to share it with the Year 85 of 2002 There were photos showing the fun of interhouse parties, and the drama and choral competitions. Year 82001 highlighted the jinbil Survivor Camp as one of the best experiences of the year, hence there was a large Imbilfocus as part of the display New students were also given tips on how to survive their first week and how to gain the most from their week in Imb Many Year 85 from 2002 passed through the room, chatted to the enthusiastic representatives of each House and left with a smile on their
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face, a small present and lots of happy expectations of the year to come
BGGS has on open entry but ????
Celebmnng Children3 Day
The Elders of Primary School find a new home
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As the far superior elders of Primary School walked through the gates of Br sbane Girls Grammar School on their first day of high school, in their oversized uniforms, shiny black shoes and hard school hats and with nervous expressions on theirfaces, they once again became the babies of the school Morning tea on the first day was a silent affair Longing to go and join the girls that we knew, we avoided our other classmates'eye contact and finished eat'rig as soon as possible. This was soon to change. in less than a week, we had formed a close relationship with our other class members and couldn't wait for lunch times to begin, so that we could sit and gossip Our Seniors were very kind and almost"fell over themselves"to help us out and within another week, the excuse"I lost my way"or"I forgot where our classroom was"had become almost non-existent. Running round the school with a pile of books had developed muscles on our arms and carrying our bags to and from school had given us strong shoulders, although the skillof carrying our bags down the aisle of a crowded bus without injuring anyone was still to be mastered
We knew the school and teachers like the back of our hands and the older students, especially our House Seniors and School Captains, helped us feel like we belonged. Soon, the groups of friends were inseparable and it felt like wed been at the school for years rather than months. it was easy to fit in and we were amazed to find that to most of us, the school already felt like a second home
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