2001 School Magazine
head girls : ^ ,
A defining feature of BGGS is the first class support structure that exists for every student, and for us as Head Girls this has been a significant part of our year. Aside from the unfailing support of allteachers who we extend many thanks to, we would especially like to thank Mrs MCConaghy, Miss Williams, Mr Dale, Mr Seaha. and Miss Hatton for their guidance and wisdom. To quote the all-Australian movie The Castle, if Mrs Hancockis the backbone of the Grammar family, then the staff are the other bones, "all oft?in!' As Head Girls for 2001, our other thank you must go to the girls Thank you flatly for giving us this opportunity, thank you secondly for supporting us throughout it, and thank you thirdly. .. well, just THANK You. .. for being BGGS 2001!
term for a changeover to the present Year I I s. This was informal Iy marked by a Halloween inspired evening that gave both year groups a chance to wish each other well The end of 2001 has brought a sense of closure to the Year 125, to what has been a five year experience that will be remembered for its challenges, its achievements, its hardships, but most of all its everyday experiences, because it is the values that come with this experience that have shaped us so far. We would like to take this opportunity to say that living the Grammar life has been nothing less than delightful At the head of this Grammar family for the past 25 years has been Mrs Hancock. We would like to express the privileged situation we consider ourselves to be in as the conclusion of our respective schooling years coincide. We have had a wonderful final year, largely due to Mrs Hancock's inspiring leadership We take this opportunity to wish her all the best in her future endeavours
quest, with acts ranging from performances by Year 12 'Backstreet Boys' to plays put on by the Year 85, and even some original musical performances by the older girls The inter house events are highlights of every schoolyear and they are structured to promote competition as well as retaining a sense of fun athletics, netball, drama, volleyball and hockey, initiated by this year's hockey captains, Amelia Stephens and Phoebe MCGimn, have all foatured during the year at inter house level where as much emphasis is placed on participation as individual achievement And boy have they been fun! Swimming, choir, cross country, Term Four was met with a buz Ajustified buzz, considering there were but six weeks to absorb any last aspects of BGGS before the baton was passed on. School Day was the first event of the term and was a successful day that had a carnival-like quality owing to the enthusiasm and spirit that the Year I I s and 125 injected into it. Term Four was also a
and it was a proud moment as Grammar war cries rang throughout the School on the morning of the
The 2001 Proms Concert, a much- anticipated event on the Grammar calenda, was a spedacular display of the depth of BGGS music and never before in our five years at the school have we been so moved by the experience. The musical standard surpassed all expectations and the performances themselves carried a personal quality that has never been so apparent before The hype created by the Proms concert carried into the following weeks as girls entered themselves Into the Royal Children's Hospital 'Big Project'inspired talent quest held at the end of August. it was a sell-out show organised and staged in the Gehrmann Theatre by Sarah Moore, who must be thanked and congratulated for a wonderful year as the 'Big Project'mastermind The diversity of the girls' creative ability was showcased at the talent
Anno MCGilveryond Modelo!ne Young HEAD GIRLS
HONOUR AWARDS SecondRow reR!:loonno Schmid"M Wonchop, Alexondm CorelCoitl^h Gos$Megan Skib, Cumine HendiyJenniibrDovisJon"so Whiting FrontRow(L-R):Gemldine Wn9hcCothyBmndon, Cordine G, cony, Mrs Iudith Hancock son, CIOire 0150n, PhDebe MCGimn Genevieie
EXECUTIVE ThirdRow11-R!:Claim 0150n, inlando Finloyson. MoldiJenkins. GOOFgino Yellowiees, MIChe!Ie Brady; Kimbe, Ieylhompson, Menno Stephanos Second Row it-R):foe Binnd Hannoh Brimson, Errse Denmon, Cawn 6055, Ants@ Costn^OS Froncesco Warden Sofah Moore, Nino Lo prell Front Row it-R):Lauren SteelgWifonySprol", Anno MCGilvery(HeadGirO, MrsJudith Hancock Modelerne young (HeadGi, I), Gwendolen WornkkNicki-Lee Hew bsent Courtney, Gumbley
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