2001 School Magazine
^ . : head girls
of 2001. but also the Foundation of Girls Grammar But even the most formal of Grammar traditions cannot escape the feverish Grammar spirit, on this occasion epitomised by Mr Holly's rendition of See the Light, which had the whole school body on their feet The spirit invoked on that day spilled over into the weekend, where a swarm of blue hats and sparkling skirts filled the stands to cheer on the QGSSSA Swimming Team Certainly the powerful voices behind the wareries of that day were a sign of what was to come at future interschool competitions. At the Artistic Gymnastics, the Waterpolo and the Head of the River qust to name a few), not only were these voices heard again and again, but also the dedication and determination of the competitors was repeatedly witnessed. Congratulations to all of the girls involved in these events, your performances this year were a credit to each of you The following week presented an occasion to develop interschool relationships of a less competitive nature. On the Friday afternoon, a combined executive meeting was held between BGS and BGGS This presented an opportunity to show the boys not only how talented we are at T-ball, but also to discuss, over afternoon tea, the topical Issues that face both schools. for example, the role of the student executives within the structure of the respective Having enjoyed all of the above, it was time for a musical addition to the year The Easter Celebration Service held in accordance with tradition at St John's Cathedral was a beautiful evening in which the Grammar Singers and the Chamber Orchestra accompanied by brass and percussion students performed to the delight of all who attended In late May, the Honour Awardees of 2001 were announced, and their schools Deemed a productive afternoon, another meeting was held later in Term Two
presence welcomed at the ensuing executive meetings. Nominated and recognised by their peers and educators within the School for their strength of character and potential as valuable citizens, these girls are consequently well respected and deserve much congratulations for their individual accomplishments However not all astonishing achievements of the year were confined to Australia. in June, five of our Year 125, Victoria Ling, Tiffany Sproles, Rhiannon Mulherin, Lindsey MCGrath, and Genevieve Thornpson, competed in ESPoo, Finland at the international Young Physicists Tournament. After many nerve- wracking and exhausting "fights" against the international opposition, the girls returned victorious having gained second place - the highest position ever gained by a non- European team. We relterate our congratulations to these girls, and our pride in having them in our year The Formal was a welcome relief and reward that came to the Year 125 at the end of second term. It has always been a highlight of the Year 12 social calendar and 11 served as no exception this time. Every girl looked sensational and the way they hit the dance floor was commendable! A special thank you must go to A1iWanchap, whose organization of the event we are yet to even comprehend Third term was a longer term, and a particularly significant one for the Year 125 as the state wide Queensland Core Skills examination drew closer This was approached with a large degree of enthusiasm and team spirit
in 1997 the Seniors lived every day like it was opening night in 1998 they stood on the shoulders of giants 1999 was the year they challenged us to look within ourselves and in 2000 they dreamt it, dared it and did it In 2001 it was our turn Our creed was simple: Reach for the Stars. At our first assembly held at Boys Grammar, we presented to the staff and students the Intentions of the class of 2001 and asked for their support and friendship in these endeavours. In this address we highlighted a return to the feeling of Grammar community, particularly between grades, as one of our top priorities Before we could tackle the serious responsibilities of Year 12, we had to appreciate the lighter aspects The date was 15 February, the venue was the auditorium, and the agenda was boogying on down, Retro style, at our Year 12 Retro Party The much- coveted prize for the best (or perhaps worst) dressed was awarded to Anna Walsh of England House, although
there was no shortage of qualified challengers. in addition to the fashion parade, there was pizza, the chance to laugh at Mr Dale and Mrs MCConaghy in costume and of course, plenty of dancing On 9 August. a combined Year 12 and Year 8 picnic was held on the running track, where red cordial and loud music harboured an appropriate atmosphere for the many party games that were played In May of Term Two, this relationship was strengthened during an intergrade meeting between the Student Executive and the Year 8 House Group Captains. On this occasion the younger girls were given the opportunity to share the opinions and suggestions of their peers with the older girls. This proved to be a success and we thank those girls involved for their enthusiastic contribution induction Day was held on 15 March and marked not only the formal recognition of the Student Executive
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