2001 School Magazine
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Rockclimbing Rockclimbing for 2001 has been interesting and challengi g w't the modification and route changing of the entire wall over the Christmas holidays. This left us with our old favourite climbs replaced by new challenges to discover and conquer. New ropes have added a dash of clashing colou, and our shiny new kit left us with a foshion statement never before seen in Rocklimbing The Volleyballers'traditional pursuit of point scoring the Rockclimbers has been foiled his year as we have developed our dodging skills! Not so for some unfortunate teachers - standing in the wrong place can be dangerous when a we I - manoeuvred fall can result in a nice flying c 1115ion. Flying, however, has been enjoyed by all, with many of the Year 85 takin to swinging easily and quick y
and endurance by Plussikin9 all the way up to the Yellow beam The help of Sarah Hones has been greatly appreciated by all climbers, and the assistance she has given is always invaluable. HeIen Smith has been missed greatly due to her travels to Japan to study. Of course, the tireless efforts of Mr Greatorex, as our coordinator and instructor, have allowed us to continue with the privilege of climbing, for which we are all very grateful As the year draws to a close and we think with dread about what two months of rich Christmas food and no exercise will do to our Rock!jinbing muscles, we look forward to the New Year and new challenges
This year we welcomed hordes of eager young Year 85, ready to take on the challenges of climbing. Thursday afternoon climbing sessions have i rodueed-t eatwith t seething masses . . . other than these enthusiastic 85, and many 95 and I OS, we have very few senior climbers this year, with only three Year 125 continuing with the activity. Many of the Year 85 have also adopted the climbing style of one particular senior climber. with kneelocks being attempted on Goose and Sheer Relief All of the senior climbers have perfected putting the Cars rope back up, after many have 'accidentally' pulled it down. Our attempts at experimentation with a Twister spinner proved less than successful We shall, however, continue with our efforts. We challenged our strength
DimityT, eloo"Alysso Granthom & Sally Bores
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