2001 School Magazine
, s ^ : interact
Interact Club
being to send highly reputable surgeons overseas to developing countries, to perform reconstructive surgery on children and adults alike. who have deformities such as cleft pallet This highlights the way In which our efforts can contribute to changing the lives of others We ended the year by donating clothing, money and other necessities to a Brisbane teenage girl. whose family circumstances have deprived her of many Items which we take for granted. We also donated funds to a preschool, also in Brisbane, to allow each student to have a present for Christmas Each year the BGGS Interact Club takes on different tasks and 15 comprised of different members There is, however, one thing that 15 consistent from year to year and this 15 the continual support and dedication of Mr BTOmiley, whose contribution makes interact the successful club it is at Grammar
Interact is the junior branch of Rotary, with its predominant objective being to give students the rewarding opportunity to serve the community on both a local and wider scale. The BGGS interact Club has been supported by the Windsor Rotary Club for many years, and in particulaL by Mr BrierThomas whose unfailing support and dedication to our Club during 2001, as well as in previous years, has been much appreciated We began the year with a wonderfuly successful sign-on barbecue, where over 200 girls expressed their Interest Our second fundraising event for 2001 was organising the canteen for the School's Drama Production, Godspell, from which we raised in excess of $400 Our sponge-throwing stall on School Day proved to be very successful, with all of our profits being donated to the Inter piaSt program inter PIast 15 an extremely worthwhile cause, its goal
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my fellow Board Members Vice-president Erin Laurje, Secretary Alex Douglas, Treasurer Lindsay MCGrath and Directors, Madelaine Young, Tanya Ross, GabrielleTang and Moily Banner, who have been a constant support to me during the Interact ventures this year, as well as being friends for the past five years I wish the 2002 Board the very best of luck for a wonderful year, and I can only hope that you will gain as much from being part of such a wonderful organisation as I have during my years at BGGS
I would like to leave you with a quotation
V don't know whatyourdestiny will be, but one thing Iknow the only ones among you who will be truly happy ore those who will have soughtond found how to serve. " - Abert Schweitze,
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Honnoh Brimson President
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