2001 School Magazine

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Animation Club Animation Club or Animanga Club 15 a new club established within the School this year. it is an enthusiastic club with twenty-two members attending weekly meetings during Wednesday and Thursday lunch and 15 open to anyone and everyone in the School. Some of our activities Include watching famous and popular animated series and movies and drawing lessons. which are mainly organised by Cynthia Chang and Maggie Lin This year we put most of our effortsinto the semester magazine and setting up the club. With the help of Mrs Takizawa, Mrs Castle and the librarians, the magazine was printed on time. The magazine includes an introduction to Japanese comics and animation, members' profiles. and some of the work that we did during the meetings Although Animanga Club 15 still a young club, with its enthusiastic and supportive members. strong support from others and unlimited devotion to Japanese animation and comics, the club should have a bright future Many thanks go to Mrs Takizawa, Mrs Castle, the librarians and all our members for making a good start for the Animanga Club. Hopefully the club will become more popular and will overcome challenges and continue to run for many years

Cynthio Chang


GECO - Grammar Environmental Conservation Organisation - is a unique club in the School, which alms to improve and preserve the environment, both in the School and the wider community GECO strives to raise awareness about the environment, .within the student body, and welcomes anyone to partake of the challenges and rewards of this endeavour. GECO promoted its objectives for the year on School Assembly, with a speech made by the GECO president, Jade Williamson, urging the students to care for their surroundings The main focus for GECO in Semester One was a breakfast. to promote GECO to any students interested In the club, while also encouraging the Interaction between the junior and senior girls in the club. The club members enthusiastically supported the event, making it a great success






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The major fundraiser for second Semester was the GECO Plant Stall on the School Expo day Planning started for this event at the beginning of Term Three and the stall successfully sold flowering and herb plants, as wellas green ribbon to emphasise the importance of our environment All money raised by GECO efforts from this year will be donated to Planet Ark. to assist un saving the environment Thank you to all of the dedicated members and staff who made GECO possible this year

Jade Wi!"dinson President

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