2001 School Magazine
, 84 :tournament
Tournament of Minds Tournament of Minds is an activity which alms to develop creative problem solving skills, foster cooperative learning and team work, encourage experimentation and risk taking. whilst providing the challenge of real, open-ended problems This yea, SIX teams of students from Years 810 I 0 met weekly to develop these skills and to stimulate their spirit of inquiry and love of learning in August, teams were given SIX weeks
to develop solutions to a problem from one of three disciplines Language and Literature, Maths and Engineering, and Social Science On September 2, these teams were given the opportunity to present these solutions at the Brisbane North Regional Event. They were also presented with another problem and judged on their spontaneous responses. These girls were amongst one thousand, three hundred teams in Queensland to present at Regional Events
t takes a great deal of discipline, cooperation and teamwork to carry a team through the six-week problem preparation period. It was a great achievement for all SIX teams to represent Brisbane Girls Grammar School at the Regional Event. Two of these teams were further rewarded for their hard work. Katie inglis, Emma Philogene, Suailce Burke-Shyne, Winnie Van. Eijie Ienkins and Lucy Barnes were awarded Honours in the Language and Literature section Annie-Kate Vann, Me era Srinivasan,
Tasafin Hossain, Jemima Cowderoy, Allx Vann, Angela Sheu and Katrina for resan were awarded First Place in the Social Science section. The Social Science team then represented Brisbane North Region at the State Finals two weeks later The State Finals draw together Primary and Secondary Teams from three disciplines representing fourteen regions in Queensland Teams were given three hours to prepare a response to a new problem Spontaneous Problem. Although they were not selected to proceed furthe" the Improvement in the girls' time management and teamwork was obvious. They presented an entertaining and clever interpretation of the problem and were fantastic ambassadors for Grammar We are sure that all students will agree that Tournament of Minds this year was a success. We would like to thank Alex Carter, Katharine Milne, Miss Lillian Simeoni and Mr Greg Bland for giving up their time to act as focilitators. We would also like to thank Mrs Hazel Boltman, Mrs Julienne Just and her husband, Mr Graham Just for volunteering as Judges at the Regional Event During this time they were also judged on their response to a
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