2001 School Magazine
, s ^ : at hene & Gazette
At hene Club There exists an urban myth that the school day ends at 3.10pm. Grammar girls involved in sport, music and other extra-curricular activities think they know the reality; school ends at 5 or 5.30 when training is over. But, long after these girls have departed, the sensible students have begun their revision and the not-so-sensible girls have settled in to watch television, a group of Year 11 and 12 students from Brisbane Grammar and Girls Grammar are back in the classroom engaging in philosophical discussions long into the night The At hene Club is one of the few combined Grammar school activities With about thirty members, the Club meets on set evenings each term to discuss papers delivered by the students on topics of philosophy, ethics or current affairs. Papers during the year have reflected this diversity, and include discussions of exploitation through advertising, the constitution of Intelligence, genetic engineering and reality television Each paper provides stimulus for an
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Intriguing, intellectually stimulating, and often entertaining discussion At hene membership works on an invitational basis through teacher nominations, but interested students should bear in mind that these nominations are based on the student's willingness to contribute to class discussion and the strength and The 2001 Grammar Gazette was dedicated primarily to the contributions made by the Volunteers within the Schoolcommunity, and recognising their importance. in addition to this, the newspaper continued to reflect the many and varied achievements of students and staff, and was a useful and informative guide to the year's events under the banner of "Reaching for the Starsl The Gazette is distributed to students, parents, Old Girls and families of our future students, and thus, serves to provide an update on School news Features in this year's Gazette included everything from the Cheers for Volunteers tribute, Year I O service reports. drama and musical reviews, classroom news and sporting news The broad spectrum of activities covered by the Gazette, can be attributed to the commitment of The Grammar Gazette
integrity of her opinions, as well as academic record
unrecognised by the wider school community, but it is a thoroughly enlightening and enjoyable experience for which special thanks must be given to Dr Colwill, and to Mr Betts from Brisbane Gramma, whose coordination of the group enables it to flourish
As a variation on usual extra-curricular pursuits, At hene provides members with an opportunity to be passionate about their concerns and broaden their general knowledge, whilst participating in a different social arena. At hene activities usually oc
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all those involved in the creation of the paper with girls from all year levels contributing articles and photographs. All girls should be congratulated for their efforts, as the Gazette could not exist without them Most sincere thanks must go to Mrs Reddacliif who had the enormous task of ensuring the Gazette was completed with coverage of all important events and all pages filled. Mr Rowell, Mrs Cooke, and Mrs Farr must also be thanked for
their contributions, as well as all other staff and parents who gave time and effort in writing articles. it is always much appreciated The Grammar Gazette is an important part of the School tradition and will
no doubt continue to be an indication of the dedication of students and staff to BGG5
AnnoWokh Editor
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