2001 School Magazine
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Future Problem Solving More than ever on education that emphasizes general problem solvihg skills will be importont. in a chon9in9 world educotionis the bestpreporotion for being able to adopt. Bill Gates This year five teams of four have benefited from an education emphasizing general problem solving skills by taking part in the Future Problem Solving Program. Future Problem Solving is conducted in many countries throughout the world. it is an activity which requires students creative Iy and logically to solve hypothetical problems that are set in the future while working cohesive Iy together Its main benefits Include an improvement in communication skills, increased knowledge about complex SOCietal Issues. developed research skills, critical and analytical thinking skills and the ability to work co-operative Iy in a team
This year each team has completed a booklet on the economic, social and scientific topics of Tourism, World Population and, most recently, Water Their final booklet on the topic of Water was to be completed in the short amount of time of two hours. Each team was armed with cards, chocolate and a stress ball as they entered their enclosed room. For two hours they discussed, argued and racked their brains as they transported their thoughts to the future On behalf of the entire Future Problem Solving team we would like to extend our thanks to Mrs Stubbing ton, our dedicated facilitator, and Elise Rogers, an ex- BGGS girl who has given us valuable advice in her role as our coach and evaluator. Congratulations must be extended to all members of Future Problem Solving who dedicated their time to the program and have worked consistently throughout the season. Good luck to the Future Problem Solving teams of 2002
Soroh Hancock, Genevieve Bumoris, Shehorn Mends, Kowto POW
Gobne!!e Tang ond CIO!re 0150n Coptoins 2001
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