2001 School Magazine

^ 74 : club sport

Fencing The 2001 Fencing season has been the most successful season that Grammar fencing has known so far The year began well with record attendance numbers. A short way into the yeaL a day training camp was held at the School to encourage the girls and improve their skills. it was a successful event, and is likely to be repeated in the future Under the guidance of coach, Paul Crook, the girls have developed their skills spectacularly. The younger girls have been very committed to the sport. and one small group in particular has advanced very quickly Four of the Year 8 girls are to be coinmended on their performances throughout the season. Anna Brocklebank, Jemima Cowderoy, Hilary Martin and Rosemary Pyatt competed extremely well in the BGS fencing competition held earlier in the year

The senior girls continued the Grammar success when they

competed at the Australian Schoolgirl Championships held in Sydney in July BGGS ATeam won the Australian Schoolgirls Team Championships, winning the cup from the Southerners for the first time ever Outstanding individual performances at the U15/U17 Schoolgirl Nationals include Lindsay MCGrath winning the U17 Epee and Rhiannon Mulherin PIac'rig second in the U17 Sabre The state teams that competed at the U15/U17 Nationals were made up entirely of Grammar girls, and all teams placed strongly To finish the fencing season, BGGS entered three teams in the regional schools competition. BGGS A placed first, and BGGS C placed fourth overall Special mention must go to the members of the BGGS B team, who

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try: Linchoy MCGroth, Koro Ronoi, Peta MCGmth, Rhionnon Mumerin at the SchoolgirlNotiono!s

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exceeded all expectations by knocking out the Moreton Bay College A team to place second

They were the only girls team competing in their division and placed second overall


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Congratulations to Lindsay MCGrath for coming ninth in the Australian Open Championships 2001 and fifth in the Brisbane Cup (Open Tournament) and to Peta MCGrath for making the top 64 in the Challenge Australia Epee World Cup 2001 All results this year have been outstanding, and this is, in no small way, due to the enthusiasm of the Year 8.9 and 10 girls, and the determination of the senior girls 2001 has been an excellent season for BGGS fencing




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