2001 School Magazine
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BGGS team placed third with team members of Louise Hogarth. Kathryn Kenny, Casey Ferris and Kathryn Barr On the same day, the showjumping team consisting of Louise Hogarth, Kathryn Barr. Kyra Bartley and Kathryn Kenny placed fifth On the final day, the Monday, our first team consisting of Louise Hogarth, Katherine Hogarth, Elizabeth Ielley and Anna Humphries proved themselves as the State Champion Hacking team with the second team placing third with members of Kathryn Kenny, Casey Ferris, Lara Ulasowski and Claire Harrison and a third team placing sixth consisting of Kathryn Barr. Rachel Brett, Saiah Dejahaye and Amy Clunes On 14 and 15 October, the 2001 season ended with the conclusion of the Queensland Interschool State Eventing titles held at Do on an Unfortunately. the first team were not eligible for the teams competition, although the second team consisting of Katherine Hogarth, A1yssa Grantham, Phillipa Johnson and Elizabeth Jelley placed fifth
Equestrian The Brisbane Girls Grammar Equestrian Team has once again maintained its competitiveness and sportsmanship throughout the 2001 season with five winning teams during the qualifying competitions and at least one team placing at every event. The talent shown by the team and their willingness to work together has CUIminated in winning the Lorette Wigan Cup for the Queensland State Champion Equestrian School for the third consecutive year With the continuing support from the school, there have been five very successful training camps held throughout the season which contribute to the creation of such a well respected and highly regarded team. The introduction of a coach to the team has also provided enormous opportunity to each individual BGGS hosted a very successful Hack day at the Brookfield Showgrounds in conjunction with the EFA over the June long weekend. The day was very well attended and proved extremely successful, with BGGS placing third in the teams competition with only one point separating the top three schools Oi^'22:23 and~245^j5tem er, fourteen BGGS riders competed in the Queensland interschools State Championships held once again at the Toowoomba Showgrounds The team was placed in every discipline and, in some cases, a number of teams were ranked in the top six of the state The Dressage competition was held on the Saturday along with the dressage phase of the Combined Training. The Brisbane Girls Grammar Team received Reserve State Champions in the dressage with the team consisting of Louise Hogarth, Casey Ferris. Kathryn Kenny and Rachel Brett. The second BGGS team consisting of Katherine Hogarth, Anna Humphries, Elizabeth Jelley and A1yssa Grantham placed a close third On the Sunday, in the showjumping phase of the combined training, the
Roche! Brett on MDko & E!120beth leiley on Nina (BGGS Hocking Doy}
Louise Hogorth Coptoin
Somh Dejahoye
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Louise Hogorth on Herb!e (Photograph courtesyofPouiSmirh Photography)
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