2001 School Magazine
dubsport: 475
Sailing 2001 has proven to be a successful year for Grammar Sailing Major highlights of the season include winning the Girls State Championships, placing fifth in the Junior States, and the success of Anna Patterson and Emma Poulsen at the National 420 Championships During the last week of the Christmas holidays. we took full advantage of our new boats. and held a sailing camp for most of the girlsin the club who wanted to brush up on the sailing skills before competition began. This camp proved to be very successful and was lots of fun for all involved While most of the girls were at camp, Anna Patterson and Emma Poulsen were in Tasmania competing superbly placing second in the Youth competition and third in the Open Women's competition. They were also selected to represent Australia at the World Youth Sailing Championships held in France. This is an incredible achievement and congratulations must go to both girls The'beginning o sc o0 ~ Toug ~tt e start of the interschoolTeams Racing Competition. With five Grammar teams in the competition, all girls were fully committed to either training or competing on alternate weekends. Teams had the in the National Teams Racing Championships. The girls did
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Francesco Warden 1510ndng) & JenniforAlexonder
opportunity of being promoted or demoted through the six divisions of the competition. Teams One and Three must be congratulated on being promoted to higher divisions On 18 March, the club held a welcome barbecue at the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron. This gave us an opportunity to welcome our new sailors and their families During the Teams Racing season. Mrs Hancock took the time to spend an afternoon on the water. This gave her the opportunity to see girls both training and competing. At the end of the Teams Racing competition, the club held a working bee, run by our boat manager and parent, Mr Peter Stubbing ton. in just one day, the Vagabond fleet was stripped. cleaned. polished, and put back together. Sails, booms, boards, and ropes were also cleaned, polished or painted. Our safety boat, The He Ien Toft, was also cleaned out and packed away, ready for a new season
Kale Windms to & victoria Fleming
This year, we have decided to enter our Vagabond fleet Into the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron Fleet racing Series This is a summer competition open to all classes of boat. For our girls, it 15 open to all girls who would like to sail in the Teams Racing off-season, and would like to try a different style of racing. All girls Many thanks must be made to our sailing coordinator, Barry Greatorex He has kept everyone organised and made sure that everyone knew --when. and where they. had to be Another special thanks must go to our two coaches, Julia Patterson and Sarah Roberts-Thornpson, who have shown us all what we can achieve when we put in the time and effort sailing in this event are very enthusiastic and are enjoying themselves tremendous!y
During the April holidays. Anna Patterson, Viaoria Fleming. Emma Poulsen, Jennifer Alexander, Kate Williams. Charlotte Churchill and Francesca Wardell. competed in the interschool Girls State Teams Racing Championships. All girls sailed extremely well, winning all their races to win the State Championships. On the same day. Sophie Wardell, Sally Stubbington, kiri Flutter. Kate O'Grady. Jemima Hutch, Rebecca Arvier and Me jinda Sirianni, competed in the Junior State Teams Racing Championships. Being the only girls' team in the competition. they did exceptionally well to gain fifth place Both teams put in a tremendous effort, with training every weekend, Wednesday afternoons, and two holiday training sessions before the competition
Froncesco Worde! Coptoin
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