2001 School Magazine
, 7 . : club sport
Rowing The 2001 Rowing season proved to be a success for BGGS. The season began with great anticipation as the team welcomed 01eg Shishken, the new Head Coach This opened the season on a positive and exciting note The beginning of the season did not only welcome Mr Shishken, but also the Year 85, who began their rowing debut for BGGS at Forest Lake. Here a large group of enthusiastic young girls learnt to row, revealing plenty of talent to develop. While the Year 85 were learning to row, the rest of the squad was training hard for the selections to come
year 91"51 Quad
The completion of the trials saw the announcement of the 1st Vlll consisting of Aislinn O'Rourke, Tess O'Gorman, Suzannah Ohtomo, Amy Hillhouse, Amy Heading, Joanna Schmidt, Dominique Favell, Constance Duncombe, and Am anda Goldsmith These girls proved to be an Inspiration to the shed with their hard work and determination The holiday camp was the next highlight of the season. This was held at Maroochydore for Years 10, I I and 12 and at the BGS shed for Years 8 and 9. Camp was a great opportunity for the girls to settle into their crews,
and to begin the season with some hard work, in preparation for the short racing season to come The racing season kicked off with a bang on 21 July with a regatta co- hosted by Girls Grammar and Stuartholme For some of our rowers this was a first, but for all it brought a sense of excitement and anticipation for the coming weeks. The first regatta was only the beginning of an Intensely spirited and fun-filled season for the whole shed Halfway through the racing season our fantastic 2nd Vlll, consisting of Sally Came, loanna Turner, Kathleen
MCBryde, Katie Gault, Elizabeth Cochrane, Georg a Fleming, Emi!y Cunning ham, Alaria Dempsey and He Ien Balley were formed and made its debut on 4 August From the results of the racing, from the first weekly regatta to the Head of the River on I September, the girls have proven that Grammar has a bright future in rowing. Special mention must go to Emma Herron, the Year 10 single sculler who placed second. the Year 10 3rd quad, and the Year 81 st quad, both crews placing third at the Head of the R'ver held on Wivenhoe Dam
The Grammar season for 2001 can In no way be described as disappointing, as the success of the season was shown in the rowers' unfailing desire to work to the best of their ability and in the immense Grammar spirit felt throughout the season. in promoting the Grammar spirit, the rowing newsletter, Backsplash was continued through editors, Amy Heading, Tess O'GOTman, Kathleen MCBryde and Am anda Goldsmith
Amy Hillhouse& Surunnoh Ohtomo Coptoins
School spirit
The teamworkond comamderie of the shed
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