2001 School Magazine

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The annual water polo dinner held at the Carlton Crest proved to be a great success with Olympic Gold Medallist, Me1155a Mills. as the guest speaker for the night and 290 guests attending. This was the final function to conclude a most memorable season Many BGGS girls have reached a higher level in their sport making it to regiona state and national teams

HeIen Bailey

Met North Reserve 2001

Qld U17 Squad 2001

Met North Qld Schoolgirls Development Team 2001 Qld U17 Squad

Tegan Burgess

Met North

Courtney Gumbley

U 17 Qld 2000 QWPITalent ID Scholarship

Met North Qld U17 Development Team Captain 2000

Mad Jenkins

Met North Qld Schoolgirls 2001 Qld U17 Squad 2001

Jessica Mitchell

Met North Qld U17 Squad

loanna Moore

ICO itC err

He Ien North

Met North

Qld Schoolgirls 2001 Qld U17 Squad 2001

Sophie Smith

Met North

Old Schoolgirls Development 2001 Qld U17 Squad

Coptoins Kimber!ey7hompson (U &MordiJenk!ns

Met North Captain Qld U I7-2000 QWPITalentlD Scholarship

Kim Thornpson

Gwendolen Warnick Met North Qld un 72000

Two school teams, the Opens and U15s, should also be recognised for their success in the QWPI State wide Schools Competition. The Open teams were runaway winners having only three goals scored against them all season The U15s were narrowly defeated by Stuartholme in the final. Thank you to their coaches, 10die Taylor and Carolyn Johnson, who contributed much to their success Thank you also to Mrs Chris Moore our coordinator, whose dedication shines through in ever^hing she does for the club. Congratulations to all of the Grammar water polo players and coaches for their dedication, spirit and commitment throughout this successful season

MordiJenkins & Kim mompson Coptoins


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