2001 School Magazine

, s s : club sport

Water Polo

The Christmas holidays offered most girls an opportunity to relax and enjoy the freedom of food and the couch However, twelve girls, Sophie Smith, Susannah Frase, Amy Heading, HeIen North, Jessica Mitchell, Anna Moore, Jessica Moles, Tegan Burgess, Courtney Gumbley, Stephanie Boughen, Makii Jenkins and Kim Thornpson, travelled to Sydney to compete in the Under 20 NSW Club Championships. It was a fun filled trip for all Involved. The first week back at school saw all teams reimmerse themselves in their training. The second half of the season proceeded quickly and the semi finals were soon upon us Ten teams made it through to this stage and should be congratulated on their efforts. The U13 White and U14B teams should be particularly coinmended on their results as they were in the A division for their age groups. Our five A division teams worked their way through to the grand finals. Each team fought hard and three of our teams - the U13 Blues, U16As and U18As gained premiership titles. This was an absolutely fantastic way to end the 2000/2001 Grammar water polo season

The 2000/2001 Water Polo season was one to be remembered. it was one of determination and a will to succeed it was one of triumph and victory, while being one that contained obstacles and barriers. but most importantly, it was one that was enjoyed. All girls demonstrated great enthusiasm and spirit throughout the season training hard and giving every last bit In an attempt to make it to the grand finals The Brisbane Girls Grammar Water Polo club season started successfully when a record number of girls trial led for Grammar teams. With so much talent evident, it proved to be a difficult task to select twenty-six girls for each age group. However, with the experienced eye of our new head coach, Scott Schweickle, the ever- organised Mrs Chris Moore and all our other talented coaches, eleven teams were selected to compete in the Brisbane Water Polo Club competition Beginning the spirit of Grammar water polo was the welcome barbecue where all team players and parents had the opportunity to mingle. Training began the following week and, before we knewit, the fixtures had begun. Early mornings, lazy afternoons and a diet of red frogs and paddle pops, ensured that all the girls performed to the best of their abil'ty

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