2001 School Magazine

clubsport:, ^7

Cricket This year, Grammar Cricket concluded its undoubtedly greatest season on record There were amazing performances achieved throughout all the five open teams clearly demonstrating the strength, devotion and determination of Grammar girls Towards the end of 2000 BGGS celebrated the 125th anniversary of both Brisbane Girls Grammar and Toowoomba Grammar with a mixed teams'match played at the beautiful grounds of Toowoomba Grammar School. This occasion was greatly enjoyed, creating a stronger friendship between the two schools Further training was held during the Christmas holidays where the girls were most kindly Invited by Brisbane Grammar School to partake in their annual Cricket Camp. Professional coaches worked with the cricketers to improve their Individual skills with a focus on developing playing expertise and stronger game strategies The camp experience was reflected In the matches that followed In Term Four of 2000, the season began with high spirits. The 1st xi gained two strong new players, Laura Kidd and Gelaldine Wri ht as well as Claire Olive from the second division By winning each and every game. the 1st XI, captained triumphantly by Catherine Hinds, entered and won the finals against St Margaret's To conclude their success, they went as far as the schoolgirls competition could take them, where they met their opposition Metropolitan South's winner, More ton Bay College. Victory came w!th the last ballof the last over by KITby Short, leaving the Grammar I st Xi as the Brisbane Premier team for 2000/200i This was the first time in a decade BGGS has won the Roger Warren Cup for Metropolitan North, and the very first time winning the Galy BTOmiley Shield as the Brisbane Premier side The remarkable effort and talent of this well-bonded group of girls will be remembered in the history of Grammar Cricket. The team consisted


kithenne Sheehy SecondXl


of Catherine Hinds (Captain), Clare Kenny, Tanya Ross, Geeldine Wright. Claim Olive, 11/11an Stack, Geordan Shannon, Sally Clout, Laura Gay, Grace Leeming, Kitby Short and Laura Kidd All players made an enormous contribution and were most deserving of their personal and team results. Many thanks must go to coaches Mr Roger Warren who has volunteered 19 years of tireless support and Ms lulle Price from the National team and Captain of Konica Queensland Fire, and Manager Mrs Sandra Bailey from the Mathematics Department. Last year's captain. Kate Clarkson. must also be thanked for her support throughout the season The 2nd Xi. captained by Megan Staib, also finished on a high note winning the competition for Metropolitan North for the second division. in this division BGGS fought out the Brisbane Premiership match losing to John Paul College. However, that did not deter the spirits of the positive and well-deserving team who enthusiastically letold the ambitions, goals and achievements of their team at the End of Season Dinner held in the School Auditorium. Within this team was the winner of the Encouragement Award, Katherine Sheehy, a great asset to the team, who performed her greatest in bowling. Along with Katherine, other remarkably strong players were Jessica Campbellin the field and Georgia Harburg in batting. Special thanks must go to our coaches, Antonia Conomos and Jusveer Rakhra. who are both past students The 3rd Xi had an enjoyable season with strong performances by


The triumphont FirstXl, with Cotherine Hinds, captain icentr^tonO




must'go to verycommitted coache , Kylie and Fiona Gray. who are both past students and Mr I For rest (parent) for his knowledge and support The 5th Xi was in only its second season. Once again they battled on and enjoyed themselves tremendously, capably led by captain, Breanna Ryan. Special thanks must go to committed coaches, Tegan Davey and Natalie 15bel, who are both past students Thank you also to Brisbane Grammar School and Mr Ron Cochrane for the use of their outstanding facilities To all the coaches, managers and players, thank you for your contribution towards a most rewarding and enjoyable Cricket season

Zoe Brand'and IennyKhafagi Their captain. Jennifer Copland, demonstrated strong bowling

throughout the season. Iennifer and Jenny also performed outstandingly with the bat, as did their latest recruit, Sally Greenland. Special thanks must 90 to their coach, Mr Rick Bowman, and Manager Mrs Jenifer Charles- Edwards, who are teachersin the Mathematics Department Division 3 did not schedule a Premiership match which meant that the 4th XI, unfortunately were not in a position to play in a final However, under the strong leadership of captain, SUEnna Grierson, the fourths managed to place themselves second in the rankings of their division Hope Adams displayed a great deal of talent in both batting and bowling, contributing to the achievement of the enthusiastic side Special thanks

Cachenne Hinds Copto!n

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