2001 School Magazine

club sport : , 7 ,

played. always staying focused on the job at hand it was disappointing not to see the Under 18 team develop its full potential. This was due to poor commitment to training sessions and. at time, games. Their interest in the sport was unfortunately not reflected in the scoreboard at the end of the season. This team won only one game throughout the season, but they played with determination and skill. Players deserving particular mention are Rosie Walden, Tullia Jack and Satah Bennett, whose skills were impressive and their commitment to the game made them key figures it was therefore appropriate that the recipient of the Encouragement Award for 2001 was Under 18 player, Sarah Bennett

The Under 14 team began the season with only SIX players, allof whom had very mixed experience with basketball. By their final game. the team had increased to eight players and was playing very competitive basketball, whilst still able to have fun on the court The team came from 411 down at the end of the third period to complete tin;if season with a draw, 13611. Despite only winning two games and drawing once again this season, the girls showed great enthusiasm. both at training and games, and great determination to continue playing basketball The enthusiasm is due, in part, to the coach Amelia Kerlin (Basketball Captain 2000), who managed to make the games and training enjoyable Of special mention are Sarah Lyons. who showed true determination on the court in both attack and defence; Rebecca Bennett who stood out on the court through her height difference to all players; and Heather Miethke. whose fantastic three-point shot produced the draw in the final game. All players improved their playing skills dramatically, and have increased the depth in Grammar Basketball for 2001 TheUnder 16team was-a-tea highly experienced QGSSSA and Metropolitan North Basketball representatives, such as Lisa Weatherstone and Sarah Cohen, and players with only one season of basketball under their belt such as Rosita Velayuthen and Catherine Mackenzie. However, it was this mix of players that produced a great team With coach Sasha Ulasowski (BGGS Basketball Prize Winner 2000) bringing out the best in all members. the team had a range of sporting experiences Due to the lack of Under 16 teams. they were placed in Division I in the competition, which was always going to be a challenge. They managed to push many of the teams to some fairly close games towards the end of the season. it was pleasing to see the Under 165 display such great skill and sportsmanship in all games that they

Club Basketball The 2001 Club Basketball Season began in late April, and from the outset, Grammar basketballers were determined to demonstrate true spirit, in both success and defeat The season gave all teams an opportunity to develop their skills in a friendly and fun atmosphere Grammar entered three teams into the Brisbane Basketball incorporated (BBl) Championship season, Under 14, Under 16 and Under 18. This Increase in team numbers for 2001 occurred due to a demand from the students

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Fe"CIO Cox, Under 14

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Under 16 reomwork

Somh Cohen shooting


Rebecco Bennet, Under 14

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