2001 School Magazine

QGSSSAsport:, 5^

undefeated. Sharing a premiership with Claneld College, after an abandoned round three, the team defeated their closest rivals from last season. Brisbane State High, 36 game to 3 The 2001 Year 8 team consisting of Katherine Applegarth. Stacey Jackson Lauren Mills, Sarah Lyons, Emily MCGil and Katherine MCCombe can boast an extremely successful introduction to GrammarTennis. After a close first round encounter with St Hilda's, the Year 85 never looked back With an average winning margin of twenty games, the Year 8 team finished as sole Premiers of their division This year, new opportunities for the Junior GrammarTennis have been Introduced, in addition to the re-introduction of the intraschool Doubles and Singles Tournaments Second teams were established for students in Years 8.9 and 10 who were unfortunate enough to miss ou on a QGSSSA team. These second teams, coached by the Tennis Coordinator, Miss Lara Barnes. have played in competitions with Fairholme College, Toowoomba. Brisbane Grammar School and Kelvin Grove State High School Kara Millman and Genevieve But nori are to be congratulated for being chosen as Metropolitan North representatives in the Queensland Secondary Schoolgirls team, and gaining third place at the national titles in Melbourne

their business and were also undefeated for the season


Grammar tennis was on fire in 2001. and this came as no surprise after Ias year's Bronze Medal performance from the National KnockoutTitles in Perth in November. The 2001 season began on an excellent note with the start of matches in the annual intraschool Singles and Doubles Tournaments in Term One, prior to the QGSSSA season The Open Team consisting of Sara Kendall (Tennis Captain). Caroline Hendry, Julie Sze, Genevieve Butnoris and Kara Millman performed outstandingly all season. with their most impressive score line of the season against ipswich Girls Grammar 36-I The Senior A team included Tanya Ross (Tennis Captain), Kylie Rivers, Jillian Stack, Edwina George and Clai Corones These girls dominated the I opponents in every match and their determination was rewarded with a undefeated Premiership The Senior B team of Lauren Magee, Danica Burns, Kate Robinson and Iacqueline NICol quietly set about

Sally Bates, Catherine Spratley, Adele Hatt. loanne Ung, Allanah Box and Stephanie Sheu made up the Senior C team and demonstrated the depth of talent of the players that is presentin the school. Performing consistently each week, the team finished runners- up after losing only one match. against our own Senior C(ii) team The Senior C(Ii) team, coached by past Tennis Captain Shona Millman, was the newest addition to the tennis line-up at Grammar. The choice to enter this team un the Senior C draw in the place of IGGS, proved to be quite successful. The team of Peta Rapson, Kathryn Leeke, Georgina Brown, Viviane CIOsthwaite, 15abelle Cooke and Rebecca Tang developed their skills and were rewarded with great results - Premiers of the Senior C division The 2001 Year 10 team defeated all other teams and were awarded a joint premiership with Clayfield College, as this round was abandoned Averaging wins by over twenty games, the team of Nikki Bennett, Penny Boulton, Angelique Boyce. PhoebeGervaise TessaMillman and Grania Esmonde has finished a remarkable season, in the number one position of the QGSSSA competition The Year 9 team, consisting of Katherine Flood, Samantha Gregg, Gemma Tiernan, Brooke Boyschau, Anne Butler and Claudia Pope took up where they left off at the end of the 2000 season, remaining

Soto Kendol!

Soro Kendd! & Tanyo Ross Coprains


Coro!me Hend, y Open

fossa Millmon, Year 10

IOUren Mills, Year 8

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