2001 School Magazine

QGSSSAsport:, 55

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Winning coprains IenniforDows & Sophie Corneron

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Robinson, Victoria Royle, Jennifer Davis. Felicity was selected for the Queensland team to compete in the Nationals in Perth and we wish her the best of luck The 2001 Cross Country season was once again very successful The captains of 2001, Iennifer Davis and Sophie Cameron, would like to thank our coaches, MrTony Booth and Miss Allce Barrett and wish the squad the very best for the years ahead

by the outstanding performance of Felicity Abram placing first and recording the fastest time on the day of 14mins 235ecs. The 16 years team continued their remarkable unbeaten record with Daina Surka surging to the line in first place A number of girls continued training after the QGSSSA competition prepar!rig themselves for the Metropolitan North Championships at Kedron. Seven girls were selected in the regional team to compete in the State Championships at Beerwah on 12 and 13 July. These girls were Monique Rowles. Amy Cunning ham. Felicity Abram. Daina Surka, Kate

representing Girls Grammar on the day. the largest school contingent The scoring on the day proved to be interesting. Without progressive point scores, it was difficult to predict the final results. The 13 years, fired on by enthusiastic team-mates and supporters, dug deep to record a victory like none other. They were by far the underdogs going into the meet with nothing to lose and setting the pace for what was yet to come The 14.15 and 17 years age groups were placed second against strong Moreton Bay College, Brisbane State High and Somerville House teams The 15 years team was strengthened

The week leading up to the aGSSSA Competition is filled with high spirits and team bonding. The wonderful feeling of being a part of such a special group of people certainly makes the months of hard work worthwhile For the first time at the aGSSSA Championship, identification microchips were used for recording purposes. These microchip bands were worn around the ankle of each of the top 15 athletes in each age group from each school. Twelve additional BGGS athletes were able to compete without microchips, making a record total of 87 athletes


Sophie Corneron &Iennil*r Dows Coprains

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