2001 School Magazine

, 5 ^ : QGSSSA sport

Rhythmic Gymnastics The season opened earlier than usual this year with introductory classes for interested students With encouraging attendance numbers, it looked as though we were off to a good start, with a strong group of girls from which to select the team. Having just learnt how to use a hoop, the Year 8 girls, and indeed the coaches, were somewhat surprised to arrive at the trials only to discover that the apparatus had been changed and then had to quickly

summon their ball-handling skills instead. Howeve, they performed admirably and ten girls were selected for the squad B Grade trials were next on the agenda and involved the selection of 32 girls from Years 9 to 12. Girls had varying levels of experience in a wide range of sports, whether they were A Grade State representatives for softball, experienced Ballet dancers, Artistic Gymnastics orjust girls looking to become involved in the sporting scene for the first time


8 Ginde Hoop poll Edwno Morgan & 8reonno Ryon

Sofah Enjott & taro Corbiere

The trials for A Grade ran smoothly despite the fort that two talented gymnasts were si ultaneously suing ring from identical injuries and therefore were forced ate in spirit rather than body. Eliza Gower who was selected to compete in the Goodwill Games was also unable to compete for QGSSSA this year due to this commitment On 3 August a practice competition was held at St Margaret's to give inexperienced Year 8 and B Grade gymnasts an opportunity to perform their routines prior to the competition and receive constructive foedback from judges who generously volunteered their time and expertise. With some idea of the format and standard of competition, the next week saw an immense improvement in the technique and enthusiasm of the whole team with trainings every lunch hour with many gro ps volunteering to attend extra sessions before or after school

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