2001 School Magazine

, 5 ^ : QGSSSA sport


Similarly, the 8Bs embraced their first season of Grammar basketball with a commendable placing of joint second. All the girls gained invaluable experience and skills and improved rapidly throughout the season, ensuring further success in the coming years. These feats are an indication of the depth and talent of the new brigade of Grammar basketballers, which puts the school in good stead for future seasons The Year 985 combined hard work and fun, which laid the platform for an enjoyable season. Theirfifth placing does not reflect the unbridled enthusiasm and commitment that each girl gave to the team They produced some stellar wins against St Aidan's, St Margaret's and St Peters, who are traditionally our arch rivals. The Year 9As also experienced mixed fortunes in the 2001 season, with many impressive victories and a couple of heart- breaking losses. in a tightly fought divis'on, the team gained an overall position of fourth with Katherine Davis leading from the front with her consistent performances Further successes seem 'mininent for this determined and able age group

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A culmination of hard work, dedication, friendship and skill has resulted in the 2001 QGSSSA Basketball season being one of the most enjoyable and successful seasons ever experienced in the short history of the competition. With trials for the Year 85 being held early in Term One, the numbers and level of enthusiasm were unprecedented, with over fifty girls attending This commitment and rising interest in basketball was echoed throughout the season, with Grammar entering a record eight teams. The Friday night fixtures were exciting and intense, with Grammar often boldly asserting its authority over the opposition Both the Year 8As and BS smelled the sweet scent of success with overall positions of equal first and equal second respectively. The 8As often inflicting crushing defeats on the opposition with score lines such as 70 nil against 51 Aidans. and 67-2 against 51 Margaret's occurring with amazing regularity. The joint winning of their premiership is an achievement well deserved with their unwavering dedi at on being a testament to all the players

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The Open aGSSSA redm

The I OAS yet again swept all before them clinching their premiership without losing a game. The skills, individual abilities and astounding teamwork demonstrated by the team were unparalleled in the competition Each player on the team possesses unique qualities that create a lethal combination: from the deadly accurate Salah Cohen, to the speedsters in Matilda Gunn, Nikki Bennett and Lara Ulasowski. The 10As ruthlessly dissected their opposition whilst epitomising the Grammar spirit. The depth of this age group was yet again on show with the I OBs finishing equal first Sheer grit and determination saw the team clinch some memorable victories in some closely contested matches against Somerville House and Brisbane State High. With only one loss for the season, the I OBs were a dominant force with great leadership once again shown by Gemma Deal For the Senior As, their hard work and determination was rewarded with an equal third placing. The Senior A d'vision provided some of the most exciting games of the season, in particular, clawing their way backinto their match against IPswich Grammar to level the scores, large y due to an inspiration al performance by Frances Bain. in overtime, the team fel short by a solitary point, but the players' efforts h this match were admired

and recognised by the now voiceless Grammar supporters. The Opens had a tentative start to the season with the level of competition being exceptional. Despite this, as the season progressed, each player's personal attributes were brought to the fore, with the team Improving marked Iy with each performance Special mention must go to Jillian Stack who was a pillar of strength under the basket It was an enjoyable season for the Opens and it was a fitting end for the Seniors In their last season of Grammar basketball


CIOre Kenny& Nikki Poring a Captains

Above:. Ye0,8 team talk

L to R Alexondro Kidd, Lauren Mills

Phoebe 510ddort (Ye0,9) shooting

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