2001 School Magazine
QGSSSA sport : q 5 ^
An added bonus to the day was the success of the Junior BTOckway Cup team For the second time since its inception Grammar placed first in the Junior Blockway Cup Grammar's team, F10na Mackay and Danielle Gregory along with sisters Joanna and Cara Moore had an amazing swim to beat IPswich Girls Grammar by 0.55ec Overall the 2001 season was one of great success, with the enthusiasm of all swimmers contributing to a most enjoyable season. Although the strength of the QGSSSA competition intensifies each year, Grammar still remains a dominant force. which should continue for aslong as Grammar's positive and supportive
The 2001 School Swimming Champion was Sarah Holtam, having won the 16yrs Age Championship and Open 50m Freestyle Championship. She narrowly beat Cabine Gregory and Courtney Gumbley and equalled K Bigby's 1998 record of 28,005ec In the week prior to the Annual QGSSSA Swimming Carnival, the spirit and enthusiasm of the Grammar Swim Team shone throughout the school community and was further developed through various team activities These included relay changeover sessions, a team breakfast in the Boarding House and a fantastic "psyche-up"assembly led by the Grammar Cheersquad The culmination of months of hard work and a terrific effort by all team members on the day, enabled BGGS to place second overallto Somerville House, managing to hold off Moreton Bay College who made a strong showing in the relays The 15 years age group must be coinmended on their exceptional performance, placing first in their age group. This group included Felicity Abram, Emma Gregg. Danielle Gregory, Emma Herron, Anna Hill, Bronte Humphrys, Annabelle Karrasch, Joanna Moore. Sarah Shand, Sophie Smith, Genevieve Storie, Laura Whish, and reserves Jessica Shulman, Emily Nalder and Laura Swayne. Other placings in age group championships are as follows Caroline Gregory - Open loom Breaststroke, 17yrs & Over Breaststroke Courtney Gumbley - 17yrs & Over Butterfly Sarah Holtam - Open loom Backstroke Felicity Abram - 15yrs 50m Breaststroke Div D Emma Gregg - 15yrs 50m Freestyle Div C Emily Berkelmans - 13yrs & Under 50m Breaststroke Grammar also performed well in the relays, placing in the top three in ten events. This included one first placing in the 17yrs & Over 4 x 50m Medley Relay This 15 the fifth consecutive year this age group has won their medley relay The 2001 team consisted of Megan Kelly, Cabine Gregory, Courtney Gumbley and Amy Hillhouse
attitude remains
Carolne Gregory& CourtneyGumbley Coptoins
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