2001 School Magazine

QGSSSAsport: q 47

As the games got underway, there were surprises all around from both the teams and coaches at the obviously fast way the girls had learnt

Touch Football

As the rules of Touch state, the definition for the mode of play for touch football goes:"the ball may be passed, knocked or handed between on side players of the attacking team who may in turn run or otherwise move with the ball in an attempt to gain territorial advantage and score Defending players prevent the attacking team from gaining a territorial advantage by touching the ball carrier. Either defending or attacking players may initiate touches upon which, play stops and 15 restarted with a roll ball, unless other rules apply. . The first Touch Football season at Brisbane Girls Grammar School got underway smoothly with support from Mrs Hancock. Mrs Harvey-Short, Mr Davissen, the coordinator, and the girls. A positive attitude continued throughtout the nine-week season Thank yous must be extended to Mr Davissen who organised game times, training sessions andjerseys, and the coaches, Shane Gilbert and Chris Loth, for allthe time and effort they put into teaching the girls how to play When trials were announced during Term One of 2001. the girls were a bit nervous about starting a sport not many knew how to play. But there was still a large number wishing to participate. Those who were not already in summer fixtures or were Senior A Diana Grimn, Dominique Favell. Ajison Grimn, Ariane Hew, Lauren Magee, Krista Mahoney, Ienny Mann, Petrina O'Dempsey. Amy Oliver, An ita Farme, Kate Robinson and Kirby Short Grade 10s' She ridan Be mays, Christe Board, Lara Chapman, Sam Bruderer, Natalie Grimn, Jillian Hogan, Tessa Marshall. Bridget 0'5hea, Shannon 0'5ullivan, Georgia 51ade, Allce Walker and Caltlin Wilson looking for something new and exciting to try were able to trial Team members were

to play after only two training sessions and began to truly

understand the ruling definition of a touch:a touch is contact on any part of the body between a player in possession and a defending player A touch includes contact on the ball. hair or clothing and may be made by a defending player or by the player in possession The four home games were played at St Aidan's playing fields. The others were held at different locations, including ipswich, Whites Hill, and A1bion. The Under 155 while enjoying each game found it hard to compete against a faster. tougher and larger opposition. Congratulations go to Caltlin Wilson for scoring two tries during the season The Senior ATeam, a social team and in eligible for premiership points, acquired skills quickly and became a fast moving, attacking team that worked well together. After a trying season they came away with one win against IPswich Girls Grammar 40. and one draw with St Margaret's Congratulations must go to An it a Farmer for being the highest try scorer and also Kirby Short. Krista Mahoney and Kate Robinson As the season drew to a close, the girls started not only to look back on what was a tremendously exciting way to introduce Touch Football at Brisbane Girls Grammar School, but also to anticipate more teams and greater challenges in 2002

The SeniorAs




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