2001 School Magazine
technology studies : , DB
Student Perspective Technology Studies in 2001 has been an extremely demanding year for the students. The majority of the time was spent solely on our major projects The projects were a free choice where we could investigate a design situation that existed and produce a well designed solution. I researched my project thoroughly throughout Term One with many hours of hard work going into ensuring that every element of the project was designed with purpose and reason. Term Two brought the commencement of the production stage and throu hout this term I encountered many difficulties that I hadn't previously anticipated. Sometimes the designing stage does not lend itself to problems that are encountered during the peaical. The commencement of TermThree brought the due date of our prqects closer and my project finally started to take some shape The construction time went very rapidly and Ijust made It to the finish line My project took me a lot longer than I anticipated; however. I would not have chosen to do anything else, apart from pacing myself a little better. Our cohort was the pioneering class in Technology Studies at Brisbane Girls Grammar and I do not regret choosing the subject and have enjoyed the opportunity I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys seeing their Ideas and design come to fruition. My advice to fellow students would be that it is a lot of work and you have to have exceptional time and management skills to do well
'Somenmes the designing stage does norienditself to problems thot ore encountered during the practical. "
Megan 5101b
Me90n Sub
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\t was great to see the proposed challenges come to fruitibn"
Mr Blendon Thomas
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