2001 School Magazine

q o4 : technology studies

A Student's Reflection

I chose to design and construct a dressing table of antique influence for my major in Senior Technology Studies The turned legs and French polish finish were the major components of the table. Although these were the areas in which I most lacked experience, they were ultimately the most successful elements of the finished product The SeniorTechnology Studies course has been a challenging but rewarding one. his an experience that requires a gr deal of time and dedication but undoubtedly the knowledge and expertise gained will extend throughout my life

Chioe Watts

"Each lesson presents new dimculties but new rewards at the some time'

Penny Gow

\13 a challenge, but a rewarding one'

Chioe Watts


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Ithink the students most enjoyed the occlomot!on earned for their Major Preyt!cts. These girls con do anything!"

MrAndrew Devoy

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