2001 School Magazine

, . ^ : technology studies

Technology Studies has forged ahead this year with the very first graduating class of Year 12 students. It is always difficult to be the first and the projects reflected the enormous commitment these students have demonstrated The students worked on their major projects for just under three terms encountering many obstacles and addressing each of these with an acute problem solving methodology The students found enormous reliefin finishing their major projects and were extremely satisfied with their efforts. Equally rewarding for the Technology Studies students was the acclamation from their peers astounded by the end result. The finished products were proudly on display in the Library at the BGGS Expo, generating many complimentary remarks Last but not least, Technology Studies is faceted with a multi material aspect and this last year has seen the successful formal introduction of Computer Aided Design and Lead-lighting into the program These were very popular elements to include and have enhanced the richness and knowledgebase these students possess jinmeasurably. Technology Studies aims to Improve and streamline the program to give maximum time for the students to produce their work

Student Projects 2001

Emily Baker MIChelle Brady

Claudia Campbell Simone Campbell Brooke Caulley Victoria Downey Penenlope Gow Kelly Harrison Aerlyn James Peta Johnson Katharine Lyons Peta MCGrath Megan Staib Chice Watts Bingit Willadsen Geraldine Wright Lauren MCIvor

"IECh has been my most enjoyable subject"

Cloud!o Coinpbe"

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