2001 School Magazine

creative arts : , . ,

Technology Studies for Design based Units in Years 10 and I I with considerable success Student work was submitted to the Excellence In Youth Art Award held at Brisbane Grammar School where two students In Years 9 and I I received Awards and prizes Visiting artists have also helped to enrich student learning this year with painters, shoe art designers, printmakers and sculptors brought into the classroom The Web Site has undergone a facelift and is becoming a great asset to student learning


This year the Art Department has implemented a new Junior Program, and a new Senior Program is due for implementation next year. Brisbane Girls Grammar School will be in the first group of schools implementing the new Senior Art Syllabus The programs in both the junior and senior school are designed to give students a balance between Art and Design experiences. A broad-range of traditional fine art and applied design activities have been developed to cater for the Perceptual, Conceptual and Expressive dimensions of learning. The Art Department has worked closely with Design and


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Year 8 Music

As students in Year 8 now have Classroom Music for a seinesteL we expanded their variety of learning experiences and each class was given a page on the GrammarNet where their work for the semester was stored electronically. Classroom performances are videoed using the new Panasonic digital video camera and excerpts were installed on the site. Original compositions, which reflected a short story, were recorded and these were also installed as links The girls successfully used theTLC environment to give an oral presentation and used a range of electronic resources to support their work including links to their site


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