2001 School Magazine

, Do :creative arts

Creative Arts Expand



2001 saw a new format for Year 8 Speech and Drama - two lessons per week for the entire year. Students co now have a thorough grounding in the art form before they choose their electives for Year 9. Exciting new units in Clowning, Readers Theatre, Scriptwork and Movement have been fun to develop and share with the girls An end of semester performance night was initiated to allow students to show their experiences to their families. in June 2001, this took the form of Ri;ing Stors, an evening where the audience could wander between venues and see student work The colourful display in the art room was very popular and the standard of music was amazing for Year 8 Clowns interacted with spectators and guided them to all the activities Debut nerves were calmed by students having this opportunity to show their Readers Theatre, Movement, Scenes and Clowning routines The supportive audience helped the girls to perform in public and get a sense of working together as a year group

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