2000 School Magazine
technoloqy studies
In Year 10, I was introduced to woodworking, which I really enjoyed. When it was decided to introduce it as a Board Course subject I was thrilled, as I really like coming up with ideas and then trying to work out how to put them into practice. In Term One of Technology Studies we started with a small set piece of furniturejust to get us acquainted with all the tools and machinery. Term Two saw everyone's creativity emerge, as we had to design our own small piece of furniture. In Term Three we did metal work which was great fun as it was easier to do funky things with metal than with timber. Term Four brought a small multi-material project which meant we had to combine all we had learnt by designing and building something from a variety of materials. in Year 12 we are faced with a minor and a major multi-material project. Our major project could be almost anything, the choice is ours. We are able to be as creative as we like, but then we have to bring our creativity to life using everything we have learned in Year I I Technology Studies is a great subject. It is a lot of work as you have to design the project, research the methods and materials, make the product and then appraise it. If you enjoy seeing your ideas unfold and using your brain and hands to create things, then you should seriously consider doing Technology Studies.
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