2000 School Magazine
The Beanland Memorial Library has been reincarnated yet again. in order to keep up with, if not ahead of the growing demand for quality resources and services, the library was extended and largely remodelled over the December 1999/January 2000 holidays. As the first stage in the School's ten-year plan, it has produced a vibrant and open learning environment for students and staff alike. The library gained a new entrance foyer at the point where two wings of the boomerang- shaped library intersect. This foyer houses a beautiful display cabinet for the School's ceramics collection which has been stylishly set up by its curator, Dianne Peach, a parent of the School. Glass doors allow glimpses through to the library beyond. The reception area situated just inside sliding glass doors has been completely made over with OPAC terminals set in a purple wall, a superb white beech circulation desk, and ease of access in either direction. The older section houses the text collections and is the class work area, seating four classes at tables. New colour scheme, light fittings, glass walls and fiction shelving have rejuvenated the whole atmosphere. The Westpac Rooms still exist for withdrawal sessions and meetings and an original library table (until recently used as the Board table) with original library wooden chairs have been placed in the glass alcove below the Old Girls' stained glass window for small group usage.
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of LOTE class and staff rooms. The reference facility created brings together silent work areas, the reference, periodical and newspape collections, a computer facility with fifteen computers and a data projection unit, and improved access to external databases, including the internet Usage in terms of student numbers, the range in B and type of information required, and resource
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borrowing continues to expand. The new library facility and its staff welcome, are prepared for, and anticipate the steady acceleration of this trend.
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