2000 School Magazine

club sport

Anno origton, Koiherine Clarkson Grid Vanesso re a orrowing camp





touro Fishe, Yeor8sculle, or the Stooltho!me regatta

Halfway through the racing season, our fantastic third Eight, consisting of A1i Warichap, Diana Grimn, Kathryn Ballantyne, Emily Cunning ham, Georgina F1emming, Lisa Phegan, Georgina Pearce, Eleanor O'Gorman and Sally Came, with reserve Kate Adams made its debut. Special mention should be made of our open single sculler, Katherine Clarkson, who, during the season battled it out with the champion St Peters rowers for first and second placings. Due to unexpected weather conditions, the Big Day was monumental for some asit signified the culmination of many months of hard work and effort. Many were disappointed when told the windy conditions were too dangerous for crews to compete. It is hoped that those who were unable to row continue with the sport next year to experience the excitement of competing at the Head of the River. Despite a disappointing finish, the success of the season was shown in the spirit of the girls on the " day. in promoting this spirit, Suzannah Ohtomo and Joanna Schmidt did a fantasticjob editing the rowing newsletter, Backsplash. An unexpectedly large, and much appreciated Year 12 group, helped to make the season as memorable as it was. In D o ^


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