1999 School Magazine




I999 has been challenging Year for BGGS FENCING. The Year began with BGGS hosting a weekend fencing camp. The first of such camps, it proved 10 be a rewarding learning experience for all the girls. From there, the Fencing teams went from strength 10 strength. A1 the Queensland School Fencing Championships, BGGS A placed an overall second, with BGGS B coming a close third. Once again, this impressive result allowed BGGS 10 send a team 10 the Australian School Fencing Championships, held in early Iuly in Sydney. Six girls lovelled to Sydney and all performed exceptionally at both individual and team levels. As a team, BGGS A proved its talent, coming second in the Australian School Girls Teams competition, with the BGGS B team placing seventh. This performance also enabled the girls 10 compete as the Queensland Team in the Australian Women's Foil Competition, in which the teams placed third and fifth. Congratulations must particularly go to Undsay MCGraih who placed an overall first in the individual Australian School Teams Competitions, third in the Australian Under I5 Foil and fifth in the Australian Under 15 Foil Back in Brisbane, the BGGS Fencing teams have continued 10 excel, winning the prestigious judges Trophy in both Senior and junior divisions. These achievements resulted from the hard work and enthusiasm of the club's growing membership, with the support of Mrs Piue Vize, staff coordinator, and coach, Andrew HOTcouri. Unfortunately, this will be the last Year Mr HOTcouri will be coaching the school teams. Thanks 90 10 Mr HOTcourt for the time and effort he has put into developing such a successful club. The new coach will be Mr Paul Crook. With results of this calibre, BGGS fencing has established itself as one of the schools many successful alternative sports


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