1999 School Magazine



The in agriiiude of the achievements of the EQUESTRIAN Team members during the I999 season surpassed even their wildes dreams. Of the I5 competitions held this Year, Grammar won 8 and placed in the other 7 Team comradeship has flourished during the last Year. Five training camps were enormous successes as they helped not only 10 achieve a closeknii, but also a competitive team. The consistently high placing in competitions ensured that Grammar had a record number of qualifiers at the Slate Finals in all four disciplines, thus enabling Grammar 10 have a strong compeliiive edge, which lead the team to victory in Ihe Stole OneDay Event Finals held on the 2I 51 and 22nd August, the team of NGOmi Breii, Rochel Breti, Sophie Whittle and taro Ulasowski placed third The team o1 Alaria Railey, I\loomi Breii, IOUise Hogarih and SOTOh Kenny placed firsi in the SIGie for Dressage and won the Rob Overell Cup for Champion Dressage Team for I 999 One exceptional rider, Alaria Railey, on Delb, has been accepted into the Stole Young Riders Squad. Sixteen riders qualified for Stole Tiles. The Grammar team won The loreiie Wigan Trophy for the Champion High School Equestrian Team, while I"Jaomi Breti became individual Overall Stale Champion

EQUESTRIAN Fourih Row ILRj. Taro Blocklebonk, Sasho Ulasowski, Pelo johnson, Sophie Whittle Third Row 11-Rj. Louise Hogor!h, Elizobeih leiley, Alaria Rolley, Koihryn Kenny, Soloh Kenny. 011vio Meadows, Anna Humphries, Casey Ferris, Phoebe Chopinon Second Row ILRi bra '10sowski, Koiherine Hogorih. Rochel Brett, Stophonie Hood, lonene MYers. Emily Casey, limette Tai. F10no Witlioms Front Row 11-Rj Amy Clunes, Koihryn Ball. NGOmi Brat ICOpioinj, Mr P Moulds. Gobrielle Dale ICOpbinj, MIChelle Dovid. Koihorine Milne Absen! Tomora Rhodes

Photograph courtesy of PCul Smith Photography

Photograph couiiesy o1 PCul Siniih Phoiogiaphy


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