1999 School Magazine
SAIUNG Filth Row IL-Rj Edwina Morgan, Couriney Sowie, . Emma Poulsen, Calherine HDrringion. NICole Moleno Fourih Row ILRj Nicholo Hinchy, lone Humphreys. Soloh Hiley, Francesco Wordell, Salmo Sobdio, lullo NGihonson. Shelley Everion Third Row ILRj Molly Banner, Phoebe MCGiilin. CIOire Kelly, Emma Cooldroke, Charlotte Churchll. Emily Pureell, Emilie SUFIdge, Anno Potterson. Angerque Boyce Second Row itRI Sally Slubbingion, Me11ndo Sirionni. Annobelle VCughon, Krisia Mahoney. Koihorine Cron. Sophia Wordell, Ariane Hew, Charlotte Purcell, Elizobeih DOVES. Victoria Fleming Froni Row 11RI Kale O'Glady, Ch, Mina Nthei-Smith, Kale Sundge, Mr B Geolore", Kale Money ICOpioinj Dandle Medek, Krisien Payne
in I 995, the Girls Grammar SAMl\IG Club consisted of Q girls, only enough for one team Today, Girls Grammar Sailing can boast a club comprising 39 girls or 6 teams compeling in the five Divisions of the interschool Teams Racing Championship. This is Ihe largesi number of teams of any school in Queensland. This Year, as the Club has grown, the Parent's Suppori Group has adapted new ways 10 suppori the girls on and off the water, including the purchase of a safety boat Unfortunately, we have had 10 b!d a sad farewell 10 our senior coach, 51mone Parker, who has lust completed her engineering degree and has commenced full-time employment Howe, er, with the addition of Iulia Patterson ISOiling Captain I 9981 to support Kan Toll ISOiling Captain I 9951 and a number of senior girls gaining Assistant Instructor qualifications, the Iuiure augers well for coaching development within Ihe Club At represenbiive level, Gather ine Hallingion, F10na Hogg and Kale Motley were selected I represent Metropolibn North in the Store's Teams Racing Championship. Having won the Championship, Fiona and Kale were selected 10 represent Queensland at the National Teams Racing Championship in Sydney during the Iune/Iuly holidays, placing second
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