1999 School Magazine
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ROWING YEARS 1012 Fifth Row 11-Rj Solo Hills, Koihryn Ballontyne, lessico Heading, Victoria Downing, Victoria Godfrey. Phoebe Lynch. Soloh Spooner. Emily Cunning ham, Vanes so Weekes Fourih Row 11-RI Megan Kelly. lemma Healley. Amy Hillhouse. Tomora MacGinley, Anno Longion, Hayley Cormichoel, Dahlka Horrison, Angela O'Connor. Suzonnoh Ohiomo. Dominique Forell. Bello tuna Third Row itRI Emilie Belzins, Anno IYOns, Leiso Robson, Suzanne Wood, Modalne Schmid!, Pia Covonogh. leisl Foreman. Lucindo lones, All Wonchop, joonno Schmidt, Koiherine Clarkson Second Row 11-Ri Nodie Cronsioun, Georgia Fleming, 1150 Phegon, DIGno GIIHin, Couiiney Gumbley. Amelio Prokuda, Alexandro Douglas, Sally Come, loanno furrier, Allson Grillin. Hue Worner, Lauren Slotsr. Courlney Bennefts Front Row 11-Rj F10na Gray, AISlinn O'ROUTke, Anno FDlcke. Mr C Tuicolo, Mri. Cored!, Penelope Show ICOp Mrs Ienny Edmunds IHeod Coachj, Emma Wonchop ICOpioinj, Mr M Sinoui Mr B. Frosiick. Libby GII, Koiharine Iyons, Kylie Gray
Following the successful selection of crews, all rowers offend a camp either o1 Maroochydore or at the BGS shed. In the second week of the Iune/Iuly holidays, the Opens, Year I I s and Year I O First and Second Quads went 10 the Maroochy River Resort for a week o1 intense rowing training This week was filled with crew bonding, fun and rain. These girls were fortunate 10 be visited by Kale Dearden, the Head Coach for Women's rowing o1 the OAS, and Olympic sculler, Hamish Kotosch. The insights provided by these knowledgeable rowers were very beneficial 10 all girls present o1 the camp in the third week of these holidays, the remaining Year 10, Year Q and Year 8 crews offended a day camp at the BGS shed. This week of necessary experience and concentrated coaching equipped the Younger girls sufficiently for the regal10 season, which was only a week away The regatta season began with BGGS and SIuariholme hosting the first regatta on the 17th Iuly. This day was highly successful, the intense Grammar spirit felt on the day laying the foundation for future regattas Many Grammar crews were consistently successful with almost all allaining a place during the season. Consistent performances throughout the season included Vicioria Godlrey in the Open Single Scull, the Year I I Third Four, the Year I O Third Quad, the Year Q Fourth Quad and the Year 8 Fourth Quad
As the regatta season progressed, so did new initiatives and ideas within the rowing community. The new Grammar Rowers' newsletter 'Backsplash' was born, and editors Tomara MacGinley and lemma Healley developed if into a roaring success among the 11 records results, the countdown 10 the Head of the River and the Capiains' Quote rowers o1 the Week among other articles. This and increased advertising gave rise to the brilliant Grammar spirit that was more than obvious on the 28th August - the Head of the River With the unveiling of a new BGGS Sport/Rowing Supporters tent, doriaied by Hall Chadwick, the day began on a new and positive note. This feeling continued throughout the day, and although Grammar did not gain a first place, this was no reflection on the girls' dedication 10 their sport. The outstanding performances of the day included the Second Eight who gained a third, a consistent place throughout the season, the Year 10 First Quad, consisting of Alexandra Douglas, Courtney Gumbley, Susonnah Ohiomo, Sora Hills and Diana Grimn, who gained a second place and were only 0.8 of a second off first The 1999 Rowing Season, although not as successful as in past Years, was rich in the Grammar spirit and certainly provided Grammar Girls with an avenue to obtain valuable lessons regarding teamwork, commitment and friendship
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