1999 School Magazine


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ROWING YEARS 89 Fifth Row 11-Ri Alaria Dempsey, Shono MCCollum. Am ando Goldsmiih, CIOre Applegorih, Tess O'Cormon. Amy HHeoding. Koih een MCBryde, Georgia Pearl, Emma Hellon, Koiie Gauli, Consionce Duncombe Fourih Row itRj Susan Spence. Emma Coaldroke, Genevie, e Style, Ienmfe, Alexonder. Laruso Beame, E Izobeih Coch, one, Sophie Smith, Kelsey Macsporran, Sonh O'RelllyHarbidge. Annobelle Manhews. Sophie Bel Third Row IL-Rj Annobeljohnson, Rohoni Milchell. Emily Luxion. Louro Gilleh Spender, Nablie Grillin. Bridgette Watson. tara Chopinon, Annobelle KGrrosch. Fablene Evons, Arshworyo Singh. Surenno Morgan. Anushko De A1wis, Shonii Koiyonosundorom Second Row ILRj Tomozyn Kettleion, lessico Roihnie, VMene CIOsihwo^re, Calm Witson, Foula Do, 650n. Cola Wrighi. HeIen Balley, Geolgina Machews. Sophie Uso5z. Amelia Beer, SIephonie Sheu, Gobriello Richie. Couriney Horris. E zobeih Harrison, Iemmo Hadng Fronl Row it-Rj Mirindo Clarke, Charlotte Purcell. Caroline Back. loonno Moore, Penelope Show ICOpioinj. Mrj Coned11Coc, d nabrj, Mrsj EdmundslHeod Coachj. Emma Wonchop ICOpioinj, Sophie Ham, Amy Macspo, ,an IU Ie Shon. Fellcily Bennerrs

After many early mornings and late, cold afternoons, Grammar ROWING developed in 10 a rewarding and fun-filled season From the trials in early Term 2, to the Head of the River, all girls involved in Grammar Rowing gained ITreplaceable experience

The selection 1110/5 began early in Term 2, with Ihe Year 85 making the trip to Forest lake for three consecutive Saturdays to learn the basic skills and technique o1 sculling. This was followed by the older grades taking pail in a series of ergo tests. Both these CUIminaied in official sculling trials o1 Wirenhoe Dam in early Iune. This provided valuable race experience and a true indication of crew eligibility. A1 the conclusion o1 these trials the First Eight was selected o51emma Healley, Victoria Godlrey, Emma Wonchap, Flue Warner, Koiherine Clarkson, Penelope Show, Vanesso Weekes, lessica Heading and Tomara MacGinley The Second Eight, after selections, consisted of Anna Falcke, Danika Harrison, Modeline Schmidt, Anna Iyons, Anna langion, Pia Cavanagh, pHoebe lynch, Suzanne Wood and Kylie Gray


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