1999 School Magazine
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Hockey re W H A I Fourth Row ILRi Amelio Keriin, Caroline Hendry. Brylie MCAllisier, Sophie Whale. lessico Christiansen, Benedicte Gallchei, Emily Heap, Ashley Carle. NICola Palmer Third Row (LR! Charis Tierney. Greer Robinson. IOUise Colley, Anno Clemesho, Sally Mother. Alexondro Channell, joulen Goode, bura Balley. lessico Hyne Second Row 11-Rj. lonet Anderson, Courtney Einerson. Am ando Rowell, Soloh Doo10n Nicholson, Erin Miller. Condic Redmond, Koihorine Bonam, lullo Else, A1ysho Brown. Phoebe MCGiflin. Koihorine Lyons. Coleiie Brehon, Geolgino Mewing Fronl Row ILRi. Elizo Bale, Sophie MIChieletio. Calherine Hinds. Soloh Will 15, ETin Shield, Miss M Salmon ICO ordinalo11, Suson Niolone, Abbey Boucher, Merediih Cordon, Sophie Poviour, Koiherine Sheehy Abseni: Alito Gee Kee, Anno Sandsirom. Elizo French, Amy NICCou, I. Emily Nalder. Suson Vinceni, Soloh Worldd, Niorgoi Corneron
From March to September the Club HOCKEY competition took place Grammar was represented by three teams the BWHA competition : 16, DP6 and DP4 The season consisted of games every weekend, sometimes both Saturday and Sunday. All three teams coached by past students displayed a high level of commitment, enthusiasm and fun throughou the season The 16 team, coached by Me11nda Smith, displayed a great sense of dedication even when things were not going their way They maintained their coinmiimeni and enthusiasm throughout the season in both training and games. Unfortunately, Ihey did not make it to the semi final. This, however, was not indicative of their efforts
The DP6 team, coached by F1eyr Patterson, displayed vasi improvement throughout the Although they did not make the semi finals, their Grammar spirit shone through They proved 10 be a very cohesive team and achieved their main goal for the season - 10 have fun The DP4 team, coached by the inspirationo1 Calhy Taylor, had an injury riddled season, with eight of the fourieen girls sustaining some kind of injury. The most spectacular o1 the Injuries were those obtained by Geolgina Mewing with a dislocated knee and Greer Robinson with a broken nose. The injuries exemptify lust how IOUgh the competition was However, the girls managed superbly with exemplary sportsmanship. The team made it 10 the first semi final, but unfortunately 1051 2.1 against Easts in a very tough game Koihorine Barram displaying strength and consistency was an outstanding player through the season. Soloh Doo10n Nicholson also displayed her talents, providing both defence and attack in every game. The BGGS Club Hockey season was successful in demonstrating the improvement and enthusiasm of each team season
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