1999 School Magazine



The 1999 Club BASKETBAtt season was a triumph for the dribbling Grammar All Stars The season commenced of the beginning o Term two and all basketballers were determined to take the court in the true Grammar spirit The exceptionally long season, consisting of twenty weeks, provided all teams with the opportunity to develop as a team and enjoy the friendship and fun. These are some of the reasons why this sport is so popular within the school


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B B. I BASKETBALt Fourlh Row ILRl' Emma Moniogue, Tegon Dovey. Ae, Iyn lames, Koihryn Diercke, Soloh Goldon-Madeod, Philipa Campbell Third Row ILRl. Elizobeih Armsirong, Lauren Goode, Caroline SiCh, Ngoio Miller, Rebecco Deslondes, Amelia Keriin, Soloh Hack Second Row 11-Rl. Rosie Wolden. Sonh Bennett. Damoro MCAndrew, Sialia Chiu, Dominique Mayo, lessico Campbell, Kelly Sounders. Modeloine Young Froni Row 11-Rj Thereso Pan. Nabsha Word, BEGbeih kidd ICOCopioml. Balmdo Deal ICOCopiaml. IOCqueline Wu, Am ando Wong Abseni Amelio Taylor, Emilie Wighi, Aleio Archer, Kone Browne

This Year, Grammar entered three teams for the Brisbane competition. The decreased number of teams is due to the increased number of aGSSSA teams this Year. These teams were the Under I8 Blue team, the Under 18 While team and one team in the Under 16 division. A1 teams have displayed dedication, enthusiasm and line sportsmanship throughout the season, up holding Grammar's creditable repumtion in Basketball The Under I8 Blue team have enjoyed a very successful season, remaining undefeated offe round ten. They are looking strong for the upcoming finals. Representing Grammar in the toughest division within the competition, the Blues should be proud o1 the high standard of basketball they have maintained throughout the season. And special mention should go to Aleta Archer, Lauren Goode and Amelia Kerlin who have dominated the point scoring this The Under 18 White team comprises o1 many beginners. These girls have shown improvement in their skills and their cohesion as a team with the progression of the seaso Experiencing close defeats and thrilling victories, it is hoped that with their increased knowledge of the game they will enjoy greater success in 2000. The entire team should satisfied with the way in which they have played this season The Under 165 have shown their determination and skill both at training and in games Their strength as a team is a credit to Grammar Basketball. Placing second after round I Ihey are sure 10 be successful in the forthcoming finals 10 be played in in Id November Sorah Bennett has been the most consistent scorer for the season season




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