1999 School Magazine



The Brisbane Girls Grammar CRICKET squad had a somewhat interesting season over the summer, with the weather influencing the cancellation of almost 50% of our games. The girls managed 10 show their ongoing spirit, however, by placing an enormous effort into those games which were played The First Xi had hoped for a better result at the conclusion of Ihe season. However, if the weather had prevailed in Ihe loiter hall of the season, they would have had the chance 10 reveal the improvement the team made over the Christmas break. With 11/11an Slack making her cricket debut and Alexandria Greer, Laura Boiley and touro Gay making their way up from the Second Division, we had enthusiastic additions to the team who were keen 10 play 10 their full potential. From last season we had Alexandro Harris ICOplainj, Alexondra Downs, Koiherine Kerswell, jusveer Rahkra and Kylie Gray who all put in a great effort and lead the way for all the new team members. An outstanding effort in the batting arena placed Koiherine Clarkson IVice Captainj fifth in the first division Special congratulations must go 10 Glare Kenny who received the Grammar Encouragement Award. Also, a quick thanks should go 10 KITby Short, grade 8, who helped out by playing in one of our last games for the season

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CRICKET Fifth Row 11-Rj. Caroline Mockie. Calheiine loane, Calherine Henderson, Rebecco Deslondes, layde Tilney, Tegon Dovey, 1/1/10n Slack, Me11550 Hamilton, Louise Colley. Alexondro Downs. Eleonor Schmidt Fourih Row I. Rj Penelope Show. loonno Myers, Alexandrio Gleer. Soloh Hannon, Nodie 15bel. Geolgino Plani, touro Balley. IOCqueline NICol, lessico Hornson, Samaniho Bonning, Tullio Jack Third Row 11. RI Dominique Mayo, Kale Williams. lessica Campbell. lone Smith. Emma MCKeon. Ienny Khobgi. Chisiino NisbeLSmiih, Ienniier CCPlond. CIOire Olive, Sally CIOui, Edwino Newion Second Row ILRj. Grace Leeming. IOUro MCToggori, Kylie Gray, F10no Gray. Zoe Brand. Alexondro Douglas. Anionc 1010uss. Calhenne Hinds. justeer Rokhro. hula Gay Froni Row ILRj Kirby Shoji, Miss A Conomos. Miss M Halvey, Koiherine Clarkson, Mrj Cofferell, Mrs S Balley, Alexondro Halfis ICOpioinj, Mrsj O'Nei!I, MISS M 1010usis, Georg!a Horburg-

in the Second Division we had three teams, all o1 whom played with a great deal of enthusiasm and continued to strive throughout the entire season In the batting, we had five girls from the second division placed in the lop ten highest scores. These girls were Rebecco Deslandes 12nd I; Edwina Newton 14th I; jayde Tilney 15th I; lisa Ferrari 17th I and Nablie 15bel 19th I Rebecca Deslandes had a great season being awarded the 'Most Consistent' in the second division The seconds, led by Louise Colley, put in a great effort this season with special congratulations going 10 Tegan Dovey, whose bowling placed her third in the second division. The thirds had a great season with jayde Tilney as their capbin, making 11 into the semifinals. However, unfortunately due to weather. they were unable 10 play this game and finished fourth in the second division. The fourths playing their second Year in the competition kept the spirit alive, and with Penelope Show as captain, this was not a hard task


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