1999 School Magazine
WATERPOLO Sixth Row itRl. Am ando We51, Stephanie Boughen, am Shield, Amy Heading. HO Iy Smith, Julo Wiiherow, Elizobeih Moroney. Rebecca Chopinan, 1111ian Slack, lone Holland, Bellndo Dea . lessico Heading, lessico Moles, Suzonnoh Flarer. Ienniler Mitchell Finh Row ILRj Amy Hillhouse. Amy Sandierd, Allson Cox. Sophie Smith, Colllin Orr. Tess O'Gormon. losephine Wagsloll. Sally Hallison, Tomaro MacGinley. Anna Moore, Shono MCCollum. MoldiIenkins. Georgia Morrison, Emma Word. Soroh Perreft Foullh Row ILRj All Wonchap. Sotoh Shond, NICole Marlin, Do vina Wadley, Geolgino Plant, He Ien Norih, lessico Mitchell. loonno Schmidi. Emma By me. Tegan Burgess. Shelly Sprogg. lullo Else. Alaria Petsrs, Annobelle Kanasch, Elise Denmon Third Row 11RI Soph^e '50sz, Lauren Davis. Suzonna Morgan, Can dice Redmond. A1ysho Blown, Gwendolen Warnick, Sophie A1herion. Sally Came, lone Motley. Couriney Gumbley. Koiherine Ashion, Philippo Bennen, Kimberley Thornpson, Eieni Arithony, Am ando Rowell, ShoalI Koiyonosundo, am Second Row 11.11. Rochoel Black. Koiie Moore, Sophie Ham. Alexondro Arithony, Emily Duncan. He Ien Balley, Emma Coaldroke, 1150 F1ini. Lauren lones. Kale Brideaux, touren Hardompou, Koihorine Iyons, Courtney Einerson Froni Row 11. Ri lessico Clark. muon Hogon, loonno Moore. arc Hari, Carolme Gregory, Geolgmo Mewing, Mrs C Moore IU 16A Coachj. Soloh Esmick ICOCopiainj, Mrs P Richardson iconrdinaiorj, Ienno Morgan, Andreo Whorlon, lessica Roihnie, Louse MCGruiher. Grace leeming Abseni Corly Cronin ICOCopioinj. Elly Cowley. Emma Gregg. Emily NGlder, Caroline Back, Anno Golbroiih. Emma Herron, Tomozyn Kateion, Genevieve Skyie, 1010 Ulosowsk!. Dole Archibold, Emma Luke, Calmen Mok, lane O'Shea, Chioe Potterson, Anno Humphries, Rebecco While, A1ice Luxion. Am ando MCKoy, Vanes so Whiting, Soloh Will15, Philippa Bennett, MIChelle 810dy, Allsso Cosirisos, Najalie Lindwoll. Calherine Mok, Kale Adorns. Pia Cavanagh, Lauren Humphreys, Daisy Ferrie, Phoebe MCGil!In, Condoce Millmon, Georgia Royle, lone 5101/06 Iuiso Hawkins, Calherine Loone. Anno Machews. joyne Poppin, Susan Reinhordi
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