1999 School Magazine
Although a number of club learns are slowly being subsumed info Ihe QGSSSA cabndai; Grammar compeles in eight sporis in a range of Brisbane Club Associations or Schoobirl compel^11^ns. The club scene confinues 10 of for more varied experiences in spori 10 our 51udents as well as Brisbane and Stole representoiibn The I 9981 I 999 WATERPOLO season has proved 10 be very successful, which has been demonstrated through the enthusiasm and success of the club as a whole this Year. The unique Grammar spirit and sportsmanship has shone through in all of our competitors. Our finishing resuli was outstanding. Building upon last Year's U I8A premiership, the season saw both U 15 teams, the U I6 and U18A teams shoot 10 stardom and lake out their respective premierships Of the ten Grammar teams, nine worked their way into the semi-finals, eight showed amazing style and grace 10 shoot their way into the grand final, and four stepped up the extra notch to drown the hopes of their opposition. 11 has been thoroughly enjoyable going 10 the Valley Pool on a Sotorday, seeing the dramatic improvement of teams from week to week The atmosphere on Grand Final day was electric, overflowing with team spirit, enthusiasm and a will 10 win. All athletes and coaches are 10 be coinmended for their commitment and contribution to this atmosphere and attitude 10 Grammar Waterpolo This season saw Andy Enrighi finish as Head Coach, and with him goes the position of Head Coach. His efforts over the Years have been remarkable and we appreciate the work and commitment he had given Grammar Water polo
There has once again been a number of girls selected in representative teams this Year and we congratulate them to isa Hawkins - Schoolgirls, reserve Australian schoolgirls, U17 Queensland, Australian Ul Squad and OAS scholarship Elizabeih Moroney - Queensland UI7 Met North, Queensland Schoolgirls SOTOh Esiwick - Met North, reserve Queensland Schools Girls, U I7 Queensland Gaily Cronin - Queensland U 17, Australian U 17 Squad, Met North, Queensland Schoolgirls, Australian Schoolgirls touring team, OAS Scholarship, U20 Queensland team Emma Gregg and Sophie Smith - U 14B Development team Lauren Davis and Tegan Burgess - Queensland UI4 Development Amy Heading, lessica Mitchell and He Ien North - Queensland U I4 team Kimberley Thornpson and Gwendolen Warnick - President's team of Slate Titles, Kim was also reserve for the Schoolgirls Development Team lessica Moles - President's Team, Reserve Queensland Schoolgirls and reserve Queensland U17 ieam, U17 Australian Schoolgirls squad Allson Cox - Met North Suzannah Froser - Met North, Queensland U 17, Queensland Schoolgirls Development Squad, U I7 Australian Schoolgirls Squad Nicole Marlin - Met North, Queensland Schoolgirls Development Squad Anno Moore - Met North, Queensland Schoolgirls Development Squad, U 17 Australian Schoolgirls' Squad
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