1999 School Magazine
The TRACK and FIELD season began in Term 3 and with a new coordinator, Miss Allce Barren, State 400m sprinter and Olympic aspiranl The Inter house Track and Field competition returned to aEll on 12th August and officially launched our season with a fiery start out of the blocks. There was great involvement by all girls with spirit and enthusiasm creating an exciting atmosphere Many athletes demonstrated talent with several records tumbling. The most outstanding performances in each age group came from the age group champions 13 Years Moulda Gunn IBeanlandj 14 years Frances Bain IEnglandi 15 Years Couchey Gumbley IHirschfeldj 16 Years Sally Moore 10'Connori 17 Years SOTOh Esiwick ILilleyj
The overall champion athlete award was shared by Malilda Gunn and Frances Bain This was the second consecutive Year Frances had received this honour GriHiih House proved 10 be a force 10 be reckoned with being the overall winner of the carnival closely followed by Lilley and England respectively With the squad o1 150 girls commencing training, the first meet at the Glennie School, which was held in traditionally cold and windy conditions, highlighted Grammar's potential Once again the University of Queensland Friday night meets provided a weekly opportunity for competition against the other schools. With the average of 60 athletes competing weekly, these meets gave the team a perfect opportunity to develop team spirit and closely knit friendships within and between age groups
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