1999 School Magazine
Friday I 5th October marked the annual aGSSSA athletics compeliiion for I 999 Field events opened the proceedings but Grammar only placed sevenih after their completion The 110ck events gave Grammar a needed lift in terms of points, boosting the School's position 10 third before the start o1 the relays The relays provided a fitting and exciiing close to the whole competition. The depth of the Grammar team was evident when they took 5 of the I O events After these final races, Grammar reached an overall placing of second on 779 points, behind Morelon Bay College on 822 and in front o1 Brisbane Stole High School on 768 The sirengih, dedication and solid training of the younger athletes were evident with the under I 35 and under I 45 both winning Iheir age group pennants The super 101ive, individual athlete of the day was Frances Bain 19 Englandj. For the second Year in succession, she became interschool Athletics Champion, therefore winning the Trustees' Cup. Frances came firsiin the loom, 200m, and 400m and ran a powerful anchor leg in the winning 4 by I 00m under 14A relay. She ran limes of I 25ec, 545ec, 2575ec and I. 01 64 in her three individual events
The Kym Moss Trophy for the Personal Best Performance o1 aGSSSA was awarded to lisa Flint p Woolcockj. All spectators admired her courage and endurance in the gruell 3000 metres Unfortunately, the outstanding spirit o1 the athletic team was diminished by the poor attendance of supporters from the school population. This was disappointing for Ihe athle as many of them had worked so hard and were relying on the support of their peers Throughout the season many athletes achieved personal bests. These included Elizabeth MCIellan 19 Hirschfeldj who threw 29. I2 menes in discus; HeIen North 19 Mockoyj wh threw the javelin 30.86 melies; Peta Bourne who ran a 12.9 I 00 metres; Sally Brand 112 Iilleyj with a 4 metres long lump and a I 34 I 00 metres; and Sally Moore who To o12.92loomeires Athletics o1 Grammar in 2000 will be a special experience because it is Ihe 1251h anniversary of the School. The captains of the I 999 team, Koiharine Barram and Georgina Mewing, wish next Year's athletes all success in the quest to reclaim Ihe winning title
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