1999 School Magazine



The Open Team returned with a strong line up and, under the coaching of Am anda Vanderwal, met all expectations by successfully defending the aGSSSA Premiership. Although the season was frustrating Iy hampered by wei weather, two schools not fielding teams in the division, and the everpreseni curse of injuries, victory was hardearned and wellenjoyed The match against arch rivals, SI. Peters, had been brewing as the game of the season but was disappointing Iy rained out in addition 10 success in the aGSSSA competition, Grammar performed strongly in the Mazda Cup. The team proceeded 10 the Finals Series after dominating the Metropolitan North Region in the preliminary rounds. After being defeated in the Grand Final last year, the team was intent on going one better in 1999



The rivalry with SI. Peters was even keener in these Finals. However, the team consisting of Soloh Esiwick and lane Menzies, as captains, Allssa Castrisos, Rebecca Chopinan, Courtney Clifford-MCFeeler, Carly Cronin, Elise Denman, Elizabeih ETnst, Lisa Ferrari, A1annah 11vine, lessica Moles and Kale Prosser, put in a powerful performance, especially in the second hall, 10 win 39-28 The Senior Teams were dedicated in their participation and each of these girls stepped up 10 lead the Netball Squad through the season The A Grade Team was dominant in each of their games with strong performances from Koiherine auinn, jayne Pappin and Anna Peters and their determination and high spirits were rewarded with an undefeated Premiership B Grade fought strongly during each of their games and, after solid performances by all the team members, finished the season in third position. Outsbnding players for the BS were Maria Barker and Carly Ionsdale. The C Grade Team was an energetic, supportive unit and despite reina'ning undefeated, finished in second position as a result of the poor weather. Consistent performances came from the combination o110anne Lock, Felicity Myers and Andrea Noon Strong performances by all the junior Teams ensure that the future of Grammar Netball is in very capable hands. The introduction of two Year I O teams shaped up 10 be a very new experience for all the girls and the I OA and I 08 teams both performed well in these closely contested divisions. Experience and strength came from Am anda Finlayson and Elise Denman. The Year 9 teams were particularly strong with the cohesive and positive team play resulting in the QB and QC teams ending the season with their Premierships. Our future depth rests with players like Daina Surka, Georgia Black, Kale Ashby, Laura Gay and Kale Robinson. The QA team finished a pleasing season in good form after playing in a highly competitive division in which they were placed fourth. Consistent performance came from Emma Byme, Geoldan Shannon, Rebecca White and lessica Mitchell. The Year 8 teams added 10 the depth of Grammar Netball this Year and have gained valuable experience from their first season. The 8B team was undefeated, finishing in second position, and the 8A and 8C teams finished fifth and sixth respectively. Players 10 watch in the future from these teams will be Shannon O'SUIlivan, Anna Taylor, Louise Waldie, Georgia $10de, Grace Leeming and Kale Harries Rebecca Chapman had another great season, achieving some remarkable feats this Year Among these were her selections in the Queensland Firebirds, the Under I Q Queensland Team and the Under 21 Queensland Team. lane Menzies was selected in the Queensland Open Schoolgirls Netball Team and A1issa Castrisos also represented Queensland in the Under I5 Schoolgirls Team



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