1999 School Magazine
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NETBALL Seventh Row 11-Rl: Altoe Luxion, lone For"Holding. Koio Burgess. lessico Moles, Lisa Ferrari, Elizobeih Ernsi, Rebecco Chopinon, A10nnoh Irvine, Colly Cronin, Koiherine auinn, Rebecca Menges, Bellnda MCRoe, Kan Robeil An 110 Kiicher, Megan 5101b Sixlh Row ILR!: Carolina Robinson, Josephine Wagsiofi. Lauren Daley, lessica Stevenson. Morgan Mogulre. Nikki Duce, Joyne Pappin, Holly Smith. Alaria Wandmaker. Couriney Clifford-MCFeeier. Ichorn GIIes, Anna Pelers. Koie Ashby, Soloh Perle", Lauren MCIvor, Maria Barker Fifth Row 11-RI Emma BYrne. buren Davis. Tegan Burgess. Allcio Slumm, Do vina Wadley, Mobilenkins, Coillin 01r, Lauren Williams, Leoh Costsllo. Shori Block. lessica Mitchell, He Ien North, Kale MCCann, Rebecco Benneti Fourih Row IL-Ri Philippo Benneii Sophie A1herion, Emma Thornpson, Emma MCKeon, Colly Lonsdole, Lisa Henders Geoldon Shannon, Holly Clothe Georgia Block, Kale Prosser, Lauren SIode, Cacherine IA:Cormock, Asho Gifth, Koioni Dios, An 110 Titomji Third Row IL-Rj: Bridgei 0'5hea. Georgia SIGde, Anna Taylor. loonne Lock, Fellcity Myers, Kimber!ey Thornpson, Jane Leadbeaier, Elise Denmon Koiherine Ashion, Cloudio Campbell, Andreo Noon, Eieni Arithony. Ienno Be51ey, Shannon O'SUIlivon. Kale Harries Am ando Finlayson Second Row 11-R! Monso Xinis, Allce Disher, Abby litDonald, Kale Robinson, Damo Sulfo. Sally Douglas, Lauren lones, Madeleine Hinchy. Allson MCGill, Suson Bird, Ajice Wallh011,100y Hall, Amy Sorra, Enn Couper, Kale Brideaux. Amy Oliver, Lauro Gay, Koiie Moore, Morgueriie Bulnoris Froni row 11-Rj: Tommi Ievine, Kimberley Cook, Stophonie A1and, Grace Leeming, Shelldan Belnays, Emily Sandsl, o lone Menzies ICOpiainj, Mrs C. StarrThomos Iconrdinoio, I. Soloh ESMick ICOpiainj, Louise Waldie, Ienniler Cook, Tesso Marshall, lulle Fin!ayson, Hayley Cumining, Britony SUIlivan Absenlees. Allsso Cosirisos, Elizobeih Kidd, Aleio Archer. Camilla Roberis, Ohio O'Connell. Chefise De Vete, Rebecco White, 51mone Campbell
11 seemed that as soon as it was upon us, it had already passed. Once again, the I999 NETBAtL season was indeed very enjoyable for everyone involved and, as we all know, lime certainly flies when we are having fun. The Grammar Netball squad launched into the season in the committed and vivacious manner that has come 10 be expected. With more girls than ever before enthusiastically participating in Netball with the introduction o1 two Year I O teams, another successful season was lust reward for the hard work that each individual contributed
The commitment and enthusiasm displayed by each netballer, firstly in trials and then during preparation for the season, signalled the arrival o1 a strong Grammar Netball team in I999. The annual netball breakfast heralded the official commencement of the season and the spirit and excitement of everyone who attended sei the scene for a season with a strong emphasis on team support. All I 20 girls united as one impressive squad this Year 10 participate in the largesi women's sport in Australia. Again this season, girls were fortunate enough to be able 10 work with Vicki Wilson, the Australian Netball Captain, in a specialist shooters' clinic early in the season. Gaining strength, through experiences such as this and with the help of Grammar's experienced, insightful coaches, ensured that each netballer gained as much from the season as possible
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