1999 School Magazine


CROSS COUNTRY Fifth Row ILRj. Daniko Horrison, Rockel Einerson, Angelo O'Connor, Suzonnoh FIGSer, Camillo Roberis, Calherine Arscoii. 1/1/10n Slack, lessica Arscott. Amelio Stophens. Morgueriie Buinoris. 51ephonie Boughen, Calherine MCCormock, Louise Colley, loonno Schmidt Fourih Row ILRj Couriney Gumbley. Kylie Rivers. Lindsoy MCGroih, DIGnne HOPIey. Annobelle Mothews. Sobh Penal, Soro Hills. Fiances Bain, Kale MCCann, Annobeljohnson, NIColo Palmer. lullo Dowseh Third Row ILRj CIOiie Corones, Soro Kendoll. Phoebe MCG!111n, Tess Palmer, lone Leadbeaier. Kale Harries. Ienniler Davis, DIGno GIIHin, Kara Millmon, Elise Denmon, Allson Cliff n. An 110 Former, Alexondro Robinson, Vanes so Hotsrkein, Am ando Rowell, Sorah Do vies, Kale Pippos Second Row 11-Ri Georgino Mewing, Eiin tomberi, Caroline Gregory. Daino Sulko. Prudence Armsirong. touro Whisk, Nerido Hoberkern, Courtney Hallis, Tiffony Sproles, Andreo Noon. Am anda MCKoy, Sophie Camelo touro Gilleft Spender, Nikki Benneft, Shelldon Belnoys. Sally CIOui, Lisa Flint, lullo Wood, Thea Oakley Froni Row ILRi. Sally Stubbing ion, Georgia Horburg, Koirino Toneson, NICole Cocolos, Rochel Davis, Kelly Sounders ICOCapioinj, Miss A. Bard ICOordmoior/Coachj. Mr A Booih ICOochj, Sobh atomsky ICOCoplainj. CIOire KOIrasch, Kale Robinson, Songeeio Purl, Penny Boulion, Tesso Millman Although this was disappointing, it failed to dampen our team spirit and motivation to excel o1 what we do best. So, in the extra week, we adopted a more relaxed approach to training with a number of competitions being held. These included prizes for the 'doggiesI' hats and socks, and did we see some creative items of clothing! This approach appeared to pay off, evidenced by our outstanding team performance on the day. Standoui individua performances came from Fellcity Abram 12nd I and She ridan Belnoys 13rd I 13 Years, Lisa Flint 14th I and Daino Surka 16th I 14 Years, Sophie Camelon 16th I 15 Years, ETin Lambeif 12nd I I6 Years, and Kelly Sounders 15th I I7 Years With these superlative results, each Year group was victorious in their age group championship, and, thus, the Cross Country Premiership for I 999 was secured with a perfect score o150 points. Our winning margin was such that we became the most successful team in aGSSSA Cross Country history A number of girls went on to represent Grammar at the Menopolimn North Championships in which five girls succeeded in gaining a place in the regional team to compele in the Stole Championships. Those girls were Fellcity Abram, She ridan Be mays, Iaime Burnell, Lisa Flint, Sally Clout, Annabelle Mathews and Ienniler Davis A1 the Queensland Championships, Felicity Abram placed sixth in her race and continued on to compete in the National Championships held in Darwin placing 18th


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