1999 School Magazine



The Iraining for the RHYLHMIC GYMNASTICS competition was well under way in the initial skiges of Term I . Intense training sessions before school and during lunch limes continued through Term 2 and into Term 3 in preparation for the competition 10 be held on Friday 6th August On Ihe 29th Iuly, Grade 8 and B Grade gymnasis participated, for the first lime, in a practice competition held o1 SI Margaret's. 11 was a good opportunity 10 get a feel for Ihe atmosphere and conditions of competing, as many of these gymnosis had not previously experienced a major competition or Inter house competition This Year the inter house competition was not run. A1 the completion of this competition, the Grammar team looked very strong and confident On the 6th August when the QGSSSA competition look place o1 $1eeman Sports Complex o1 Chandler, Grammar fielded a very spirited and coinmiiied team of sixty gymnasis The compeliiion commenced o1 midday wiih the Year 8 Hoop teams. The eager, but nervous Year 8I I I and 121 teams dazzled the judges with neat and energetic routines, placing second and fifth respeciively 10 a silong Morelon BOY College team The eagerness and excitement displayed by the Year 85 flowed through to the rest of the Grammar gymnasts who were still 10 compete and fired them with enthusiasm

Following the Year 8 competition, it was time for the B Grade gymnasis who competed in the largest competition throughout the afternoon. B Grade competed in the Hoop, Combination Hoop and Ball, Rope, Ball, and Ribbon categories. The vivacious and highly charged B Graders were a force to be reckoned with from the moment they walked on the floor. The Rope group, who began Ihe B Grade competition, performed skillully 10 on upbeat melody and were followed by a very animated Hoop group who performed their dynamic routine to the Sbr Wars music. Both teams placed a very CTedibble third Additionally, the Ribbon group performed spectacularly placing second and missing out on first place by lust 0.01. Grammar came away with two B Grade pennants, awarded 10 the Ball group, consisting of Megan Bourne, Kale MCCann, Susan Bird and Iuisa Burgoyne and the Combination Hoop and Ball Team consisting of Nikki Duce, A1ison Calbn, Naomi Breii and Amelia Kerlin. Performing 10 a slow, classical melody, the Ball group 51unned judges with Iheir beautiful and elegant routine. The Combination Hoop and Ball team also excelled, especially considering the degree of difficulty involved when combining these two apparatus. With the remarkable results from B Grade, the A Grade gymnosis were very keen 10 display their ability

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This competition was held during the evening and comprised o1 boih pairs and groups Grammar fielded Mo sets of pairs for each of the live apparatus and two rope groups consisting of five people each. Grammar dominated the pairs competition wiih impressive and breath-joking routines. The Ball pair I I I of Eliza Gower and SOTOh Do vies, were exquisite in their execution of their routine and deserved Iy gained the highest score for this section. Together with the Hoop pair, Andrea Noon and Georgia POWell, who performed a brilliant and neat routine, they won the A Grade pairs pennant. The two A Grade rope groups completed in what was a small but splendid competition. Both groups, performing to last, dramatic melodies including Batman for Team I , excelled, with precision and delicacy, especially considering the difficulty of this flexible appalo1us, placing second ITeam I I and third ITeam 21 10 51 Peter's

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