1999 School Magazine



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ARTISTIC GYMNASTICS Fifth Row itRj. lessico Hyne, An 110 Former, An 110 Kircher, NGOmi Brett, Koihor ne Barrom Fourth Row 11-Rj Anno Clemesho, Iuiso Bungoyne, Kalen lardine. Chioe Watts. Genevieve Sbrie, lullo Odgers, touren Roemermann Third Row 11-Rl: Nablie Cronsioun, Cloudio Campbell. Phoebe MCGiifin, A1ysho Brown. Angelique Boyce. Alexio Scatk. NickieLee Hew, Simone Campbell Second Row It-Rj Soloh Will 15. Kale For90n-Smith, COM1n SIephenson. KIMO Mahoney, Elizobeih Wheeler. Sorah SIirling. Geroldine W, ighi. buro Gay, Megan White. Donielle Morrison, Kale Dobbrick Froni Row IL-Ri Donielle Nizzero, Koihryn Ham, Colllin 015en, Tesso Marshall. Philippo Bardd, Lauren Pork ICOpioin Clarisso Allen ICOpioinj. Prudence Clansioun. Koiherine 51eele, Yosmine Hairier, Cossondro Forme, lemma Lonyon Abseni Mrs N Robbins ICOordinolor/Coachj, Kale Formei ICOochj. Kale Brown ICOochj, 150bel Do vies ICOachj, Soph^e Williams ICOochj

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We have had another very successful CROSS COUNTRY season with excellent performances and attendance o1 meets leading up 10 the QGSSSA competition The first meet of the season was the BSHS competition of Carina. BGGS dominated the field in both numbers and results and this sei the scene for the rest o1 the season

The Inter house Cross Country was also a huge success with all competitors decked out in Ih respective House colours and out to have some fun. The House with the most spirit proved be Hirschfeld, who fitting Iy won the overall competition, closely followed by GriHiih The only sei back that our team experienced was the postponement, due to rain, o1 our aGSSSA Competition. Scheduled 10 be on 22nd o1 May of Logonlea, it was postponed much to our dissatisfaction, to 29th of May, of the challenging course at limestone Park


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